• Barring miracles, MobiTog will be closing its doors on June15. Please see our notice in the MobiTog Closing thread.

Wrecking Yard

John's Unknown But Clearly Happy To Be A Led Zep Fan


I'll stop now :mobibabe:
I've to admit that that shot is realy a keeper :look:
(just used a standard Ansel-effect and a frame from Snapseed)
Envy greetings :thumbs: :)

View attachment 76339

Hey BoBo, happy other-day birthday :thumbs: :)

I know you're more likely to offer subtle the occasional little tweaks to people's images, but, if you've a mind, we'd love you to join us in some wholesale wreckage !!

By agreement, all images posted here are 'open source' (see Roolz in intro post) and wrecks stay in this thread.

Do you see anything that makes you think 'must wreck' ? :D
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