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Larry the App Guy: My App Reviews

Hi John, really good to see you found the forum.
As Brian already mentioned you will find that people on here have a tenancy to push things a bit, maybe more then other forums but still it does help both the users and developers.
The one big thing where I live is there are actually very few times where there is no wind and this year seems to be both warmer than normal (been averaging around 10 degrees warmer for the past couple months) and its been windier then normal.
Because of the wind I would like to see the app simply take the images a lot faster then it currently does and maybe that would make it possible to handhold which would go a ways to making it more useful. I find I can brace it against something and images come out not to bad but tree movement is the big one with the wind.
The other reason for wanting faster is down to my health issues, I have severe arthritis and finding standing still is really difficult. That's one reason I do use a tripod a lot
Hi Larry,
I found the forum thanks to you. :notworthy: I am really honored you found and used my App. :rog:
Sorry to hear about your arthritis and I hope it will be soon healed. And a piece of advice (since I had also arthritis and now I am OK): No1 destructive food for joints is alcohol and No1 healing food for joints is Ω3 which you can find in fat fishes (e.g. sardines). ;)
I will surely consider speed and handheld for v2.
Speed and handheld though comes with a price.
In order to make it faster there are three possible ways:
1) Less frames. This will produce noisier images.
2) Higher ISO. This will also produce noisier images.
3) Use video frames. This will produce lower resolution images (due to video resolution limits).
In order to make it handheld there are two ways:
1) Image alignment. Cannot be perfect (see parallax scrolling).
2) High speed video frames with higher ISO. This will produce lower resolution images (due to video resolution limits) and more noisy.
What would you choose? :alien:
I need to save to save this for future reference. I wish there were a way to bookmark posts so you could find them easily.
If I want to go back to a previous post I have a note that I keep links to the pages. FundyBrian might recall a long time ago that we had some posts about tripod mounts and Brian showed him and how I was using a stand with my iPad. So I have it a note along with other interesting links that I want to be able to go back to at some point. But it would be really nice if we could bookmark on the forum.
Hi Larry,
I found the forum thanks to you. :notworthy: I am really honored you found and used my App. :rog:
Sorry to hear about your arthritis and I hope it will be soon healed. And a piece of advice (since I had also arthritis and now I am OK): No1 destructive food for joints is alcohol and No1 healing food for joints is Ω3 which you can find in fat fishes (e.g. sardines). ;)
I will surely consider speed and handheld for v2.
Speed and handheld though comes with a price.
In order to make it faster there are three possible ways:
1) Less frames. This will produce noisier images.
2) Higher ISO. This will also produce noisier images.
3) Use video frames. This will produce lower resolution images (due to video resolution limits).
In order to make it handheld there are two ways:
1) Image alignment. Cannot be perfect (see parallax scrolling).
2) High speed video frames with higher ISO. This will produce lower resolution images (due to video resolution limits) and more noisy.
What would you choose? :alien:
Alcohol is not something I use or drink a lot of, the occasional hot rum if I am not feeling good and occasional beer but I don't normally drink a lot. Last flat of beer I bought was over a year ago and still have I think half a dozen sitting there. My son's when they come over sometime bring craft beer with them which I like. My youngest will bring over Mixed up Caesar made with Dill Pickle Vodka and that is really good.
Right now I am taking Beef Gelatine every day and find it has helped some. I have been having a lot more days where I have very little pain and I don't have to take the other drugs as much. I also bounce back faster if I do push things and start hurting. I am on the waiting list to see a neurosurgeon, Muscular Dystrophy runs in my family (fathers side) and that might explain some of the issues I have also.

You might be surprised at how many developers that I invite here and we never see them, so it's always nice when they do. I think it benefits both of us, you gain a pool of knowledge and people willing to push an app and we get to find new interesting apps that we use.
I know that things are always a compromise when it comes to features and effects and like any child I want it all :) ie fast and high res etc but I do know that sometime one will have an impact on the other. I know any app that takes and merges multiple images doesn't normally make for good hand held and I use a tripod a fair bit so thats not a big issue though it does limit its use somewhat, sometimes things simply happen on spur of the moment or sometimes like our sunsets even in half a minute light can change quite a bit.
Alcohol is not something I use or drink a lot of, the occasional hot rum if I am not feeling good and occasional beer but I don't normally drink a lot. Last flat of beer I bought was over a year ago and still have I think half a dozen sitting there. My son's when they come over sometime bring craft beer with them which I like. My youngest will bring over Mixed up Caesar made with Dill Pickle Vodka and that is really good.
Right now I am taking Beef Gelatine every day and find it has helped some. I have been having a lot more days where I have very little pain and I don't have to take the other drugs as much. I also bounce back faster if I do push things and start hurting. I am on the waiting list to see a neurosurgeon, Muscular Dystrophy runs in my family (fathers side) and that might explain some of the issues I have also.

You might be surprised at how many developers that I invite here and we never see them, so it's always nice when they do. I think it benefits both of us, you gain a pool of knowledge and people willing to push an app and we get to find new interesting apps that we use.
I know that things are always a compromise when it comes to features and effects and like any child I want it all :) ie fast and high res etc but I do know that sometime one will have an impact on the other. I know any app that takes and merges multiple images doesn't normally make for good hand held and I use a tripod a fair bit so thats not a big issue though it does limit its use somewhat, sometimes things simply happen on spur of the moment or sometimes like our sunsets even in half a minute light can change quite a bit.

I used to drink a bottle (750ml) per year (a glass per two months), and that was enough. I stopped completely and ate fat fishes twice a week. After two-three months I forgot I had a problem. My case though wasn't severe but it made all the difference in the world. ;)

I will try to find a way to have a good balance between resolution, noise and speed. My priorities for compromise are speed, resolution and finally noise which is along with dynamic range the most valuables for me. :thumbs:
Good explanation. zenjenny, you need images with a strong contrast. I will often take photos with the sky as a background or I take a piece of white paper with me and then put it behind a flower so the flower stands out. You are fantastic with Union and you can get brilliant results if you try a background photo with a colour foreground and a mask and then a different blend mode.

I took this photo on Tuesday at Hampton Court, cropped it, went into iColorama and converted into a mask using Style>Threshold. Use the slider to change the amount of black and white.

View attachment 95696
View attachment 95697

I used a texture as the background and then added the leaf mask and changed the blend in Union. I flattened it and then added the second mask and another colour foreground. I then took it into Imaengine just to get some more interesting detail and then blended the two in iColorama.

View attachment 95699
The white paper is a brilliant idea! I would never have thought of that. And so is your wee tute. (Now I just have to remember to try them out... :rolleyes:)
In the quest to find a replacement for Autostitch I have another new (to me) app...

I saw this app in a search and contacted the developer who was kind enough to send me a redeem code.

Photo and Panorama Stitcher by Stephen Lobdell

So far I have had pretty good results.

Sample one is 4 images making one large pano of a sunrise. On screen they looks very good from Photo Stitcher or Autostitch.

First difference is that Photo Stitcher automatically crops whereas Autostitch will stitch the images together and show the curved edges and you can save the image as is or you can crop or adjust the crop to what you want. If I let it auto-crop I get a slightly different image ratio as Photo Stitcher cropped a bit more off both ends. Not a big issue.

Save resolution is vastly different though with Autostitch saving at 6880x1920 and Photo Stitcher saving at 1975x650. If you zoom in with Photo Stitcher as far as you can things still look surprisingly good with only minor lose of sharpness.

Sample two is two images making a pano of a WWII Bomber.
Again both images look good on the screen and again despite saving smaller surprising good from Photo Stitcher.

Biggest difference is how it merged the images together and in this case I like how Photo Stitcher did this. When taking the original images One person shifted in between the two images and in Autostitch this is clear to see as the person shows ghosted double exposure. Photo Stitcher on the other had show the person without any ghosting.

Photo Stitcher saved at 2440x1168 whereas Autostitcher saved at 4696x2344. Some detail lose if you zoom right in on either one, things like the rivets holding the panels together are slightly softer and some of the minor surface detail in the panels is lost but again far better than I expected.

I was hoping that Photo Stitcher would save larger to retain more detail, but overall the quality for the size is impressive.

Sample three is four images and a pano of the work they are doing in front of our house (sidewalks). While Autostitch had no issues using all four images Photo Stitcher only used two of the four.

Sample four is a sunset pano taken in Outlook at Karen's Cousins reunion last year. 5 Images that again AutoStitch had no issues with joining. PhotoStitcher may have joined them as its had to tell as I landed up with a line on the screen that was only a few pixels wide. In the Album that the images are saved to it says the pano is there but nothing shows so I will try it again.

Photo Stitcher when done shows the stitched pano onscreen and says to tap above to select more images to make a new pano. I found it sometimes frustrating because you could tap as much as you like and nothing would happen, other times it would work. If it doesn't want to work quit out of the app and restart it and sometimes t will work.

Tonight I took some images and the app would get as far as the main splash screen and no matter where I tapped it refused to open the requester to pick images. I tried quitting and restarting and that didn't work. I deleted the app off my ipad and went back to iTunes Store and downloaded it again but still refuses to do anything. I have tried in both portrait orientation as well as landscape and neither work. Have tried a reset and still refuses to work,

After moving some images to the desktop, moved around 1500 images it now works again.

Tried another Panoramic this morning and it stitched all images without any issues and though still not as high a save resolution it did work and in this case did better then Autostitch. Again there was slight ghosting in the Autostitch panoramic and none in this image.

I have been in touch with the developer and he is going to look into making the UI a bit better, he also liked my suggestion about having the option to decide how the app crops rather then it automatically cropping, and trying to resolve the selection not working sometimes. Hope save resolution goes higher as well but for the moment its a decent app so long as you don't have too many images in cameraroll. I initially had around 4000 and had the issues with tapping doing nothing but with around 2500 now it works.

This is Autostitch

Photo Stitcher

The Ghosting differences are easy to spot, the Roller in the centre has some towards the front of the machine as well as the rear of the Bobcat.

The app is $0.99 and for that I think it is well worth it.
In the quest to find a replacement for Autostitch I have another new (to me) app...

I saw this app in a search and contacted the developer who was kind enough to send me a redeem code.

Photo and Panorama Stitcher by Stephen Lobdell

So far I have had pretty good results.

Sample one is 4 images making one large pano of a sunrise. On screen they looks very good from Photo Stitcher or Autostitch.

First difference is that Photo Stitcher automatically crops whereas Autostitch will stitch the images together and show the curved edges and you can save the image as is or you can crop or adjust the crop to what you want. If I let it auto-crop I get a slightly different image ratio as Photo Stitcher cropped a bit more off both ends. Not a big issue.

Save resolution is vastly different though with Autostitch saving at 6880x1920 and Photo Stitcher saving at 1975x650. If you zoom in with Photo Stitcher as far as you can things still look surprisingly good with only minor lose of sharpness.

Sample two is two images making a pano of a WWII Bomber.
Again both images look good on the screen and again despite saving smaller surprising good from Photo Stitcher.

Biggest difference is how it merged the images together and in this case I like how Photo Stitcher did this. When taking the original images One person shifted in between the two images and in Autostitch this is clear to see as the person shows ghosted double exposure. Photo Stitcher on the other had show the person without any ghosting.

Photo Stitcher saved at 2440x1168 whereas Autostitcher saved at 4696x2344. Some detail lose if you zoom right in on either one, things like the rivets holding the panels together are slightly softer and some of the minor surface detail in the panels is lost but again far better than I expected.

I was hoping that Photo Stitcher would save larger to retain more detail, but overall the quality for the size is impressive.

Sample three is four images and a pano of the work they are doing in front of our house (sidewalks). While Autostitch had no issues using all four images Photo Stitcher only used two of the four.

Sample four is a sunset pano taken in Outlook at Karen's Cousins reunion last year. 5 Images that again AutoStitch had no issues with joining. PhotoStitcher may have joined them as its had to tell as I landed up with a line on the screen that was only a few pixels wide. In the Album that the images are saved to it says the pano is there but nothing shows so I will try it again.

Photo Stitcher when done shows the stitched pano onscreen and says to tap above to select more images to make a new pano. I found it sometimes frustrating because you could tap as much as you like and nothing would happen, other times it would work. If it doesn't want to work quit out of the app and restart it and sometimes t will work.

Tonight I took some images and the app would get as far as the main splash screen and no matter where I tapped it refused to open the requester to pick images. I tried quitting and restarting and that didn't work. I deleted the app off my ipad and went back to iTunes Store and downloaded it again but still refuses to do anything. I have tried in both portrait orientation as well as landscape and neither work. Have tried a reset and still refuses to work,

After moving some images to the desktop, moved around 1500 images it now works again.

Tried another Panoramic this morning and it stitched all images without any issues and though still not as high a save resolution it did work and in this case did better then Autostitch. Again there was slight ghosting in the Autostitch panoramic and none in this image.

I have been in touch with the developer and he is going to look into making the UI a bit better, he also liked my suggestion about having the option to decide how the app crops rather then it automatically cropping, and trying to resolve the selection not working sometimes. Hope save resolution goes higher as well but for the moment its a decent app so long as you don't have too many images in cameraroll. I initially had around 4000 and had the issues with tapping doing nothing but with around 2500 now it works.

This is Autostitch
View attachment 97237

Photo Stitcher
View attachment 97238
The Ghosting differences are easy to spot, the Roller in the centre has some towards the front of the machine as well as the rear of the Bobcat.

The app is $0.99 and for that I think it is well worth it.
You're marvellous Larry and we really appreciate all the work you do on the research of new apps. And Happy Birthday To You! Many Happy Returns.:inlove:
In the quest to find a replacement for Autostitch I have another new (to me) app...

I saw this app in a search and contacted the developer who was kind enough to send me a redeem code.

Photo and Panorama Stitcher by Stephen Lobdell

So far I have had pretty good results.

Sample one is 4 images making one large pano of a sunrise. On screen they looks very good from Photo Stitcher or Autostitch.

First difference is that Photo Stitcher automatically crops whereas Autostitch will stitch the images together and show the curved edges and you can save the image as is or you can crop or adjust the crop to what you want. If I let it auto-crop I get a slightly different image ratio as Photo Stitcher cropped a bit more off both ends. Not a big issue.

Save resolution is vastly different though with Autostitch saving at 6880x1920 and Photo Stitcher saving at 1975x650. If you zoom in with Photo Stitcher as far as you can things still look surprisingly good with only minor lose of sharpness.

Sample two is two images making a pano of a WWII Bomber.
Again both images look good on the screen and again despite saving smaller surprising good from Photo Stitcher.

Biggest difference is how it merged the images together and in this case I like how Photo Stitcher did this. When taking the original images One person shifted in between the two images and in Autostitch this is clear to see as the person shows ghosted double exposure. Photo Stitcher on the other had show the person without any ghosting.

Photo Stitcher saved at 2440x1168 whereas Autostitcher saved at 4696x2344. Some detail lose if you zoom right in on either one, things like the rivets holding the panels together are slightly softer and some of the minor surface detail in the panels is lost but again far better than I expected.

I was hoping that Photo Stitcher would save larger to retain more detail, but overall the quality for the size is impressive.

Sample three is four images and a pano of the work they are doing in front of our house (sidewalks). While Autostitch had no issues using all four images Photo Stitcher only used two of the four.

Sample four is a sunset pano taken in Outlook at Karen's Cousins reunion last year. 5 Images that again AutoStitch had no issues with joining. PhotoStitcher may have joined them as its had to tell as I landed up with a line on the screen that was only a few pixels wide. In the Album that the images are saved to it says the pano is there but nothing shows so I will try it again.

Photo Stitcher when done shows the stitched pano onscreen and says to tap above to select more images to make a new pano. I found it sometimes frustrating because you could tap as much as you like and nothing would happen, other times it would work. If it doesn't want to work quit out of the app and restart it and sometimes t will work.

Tonight I took some images and the app would get as far as the main splash screen and no matter where I tapped it refused to open the requester to pick images. I tried quitting and restarting and that didn't work. I deleted the app off my ipad and went back to iTunes Store and downloaded it again but still refuses to do anything. I have tried in both portrait orientation as well as landscape and neither work. Have tried a reset and still refuses to work,

After moving some images to the desktop, moved around 1500 images it now works again.

Tried another Panoramic this morning and it stitched all images without any issues and though still not as high a save resolution it did work and in this case did better then Autostitch. Again there was slight ghosting in the Autostitch panoramic and none in this image.

I have been in touch with the developer and he is going to look into making the UI a bit better, he also liked my suggestion about having the option to decide how the app crops rather then it automatically cropping, and trying to resolve the selection not working sometimes. Hope save resolution goes higher as well but for the moment its a decent app so long as you don't have too many images in cameraroll. I initially had around 4000 and had the issues with tapping doing nothing but with around 2500 now it works.

This is Autostitch
View attachment 97237

Photo Stitcher
View attachment 97238
The Ghosting differences are easy to spot, the Roller in the centre has some towards the front of the machine as well as the rear of the Bobcat.

The app is $0.99 and for that I think it is well worth it.
Bought it! :D Shut up RoseCat Catherine, I am NOT an app whore!
Some more comparisons between AutoStitch and Photo Stitcher

This is only two images stitched together. First one is AutoStitch and second is Photo Stitcher. Main thing that jumped out is the person that moved while I was taking the two shots.


This is 4 images stitched together. Originally taken with Vivid HDR. I like both but really the only difference I can see is how they are cropped. In the case of AutoStitch (first pano) I let it do the cropping. Because of how they are are cropped you also get a different aspect ratio


A while ago I posted in here about this app:
iLightningCam 2 - Lightning Strike Photography by Florian Stiassny

When we were at the cousin's get together we had fireworks both Saturday and Sunday night. Last year I just used the camera app that came with the iPad and got really only a couple images that I liked and even those had lot of noise in them. This year I thought I would try iLightningCam and see how it did.
I think the biggest difference was the lack of noise with iLightningCam so You get the nice black backgrounds. I tried different setting for sensitivity, ie how bright the light has to be to trigger it. I think the biggest problem had nothing to do with the app but myself and where I thought the fireworks would go off. Over the two nights the app took around 500 images but many were as they were going up.







Sometimes I missed everything and sometimes like the last picture it didn't get very high and had the guys running to get away.
A while ago I posted in here about this app:
iLightningCam 2 - Lightning Strike Photography by Florian Stiassny

When we were at the cousin's get together we had fireworks both Saturday and Sunday night. Last year I just used the camera app that came with the iPad and got really only a couple images that I liked and even those had lot of noise in them. This year I thought I would try iLightningCam and see how it did.
I think the biggest difference was the lack of noise with iLightningCam so You get the nice black backgrounds. I tried different setting for sensitivity, ie how bright the light has to be to trigger it. I think the biggest problem had nothing to do with the app but myself and where I thought the fireworks would go off. Over the two nights the app took around 500 images but many were as they were going up.
View attachment 97282

View attachment 97279

View attachment 97283

View attachment 97278

View attachment 97280

View attachment 97281

View attachment 97284

Sometimes I missed everything and sometimes like the last picture it didn't get very high and had the guys running to get away.
These are great Larry. I'm very impressed with the quality.
In the quest to find a replacement for Autostitch I have another new (to me) app...

I saw this app in a search and contacted the developer who was kind enough to send me a redeem code.

Photo and Panorama Stitcher by Stephen Lobdell

So far I have had pretty good results.

Sample one is 4 images making one large pano of a sunrise. On screen they looks very good from Photo Stitcher or Autostitch.

First difference is that Photo Stitcher automatically crops whereas Autostitch will stitch the images together and show the curved edges and you can save the image as is or you can crop or adjust the crop to what you want. If I let it auto-crop I get a slightly different image ratio as Photo Stitcher cropped a bit more off both ends. Not a big issue.

Save resolution is vastly different though with Autostitch saving at 6880x1920 and Photo Stitcher saving at 1975x650. If you zoom in with Photo Stitcher as far as you can things still look surprisingly good with only minor lose of sharpness.

Sample two is two images making a pano of a WWII Bomber.
Again both images look good on the screen and again despite saving smaller surprising good from Photo Stitcher.

Biggest difference is how it merged the images together and in this case I like how Photo Stitcher did this. When taking the original images One person shifted in between the two images and in Autostitch this is clear to see as the person shows ghosted double exposure. Photo Stitcher on the other had show the person without any ghosting.

Photo Stitcher saved at 2440x1168 whereas Autostitcher saved at 4696x2344. Some detail lose if you zoom right in on either one, things like the rivets holding the panels together are slightly softer and some of the minor surface detail in the panels is lost but again far better than I expected.

I was hoping that Photo Stitcher would save larger to retain more detail, but overall the quality for the size is impressive.

Sample three is four images and a pano of the work they are doing in front of our house (sidewalks). While Autostitch had no issues using all four images Photo Stitcher only used two of the four.

Sample four is a sunset pano taken in Outlook at Karen's Cousins reunion last year. 5 Images that again AutoStitch had no issues with joining. PhotoStitcher may have joined them as its had to tell as I landed up with a line on the screen that was only a few pixels wide. In the Album that the images are saved to it says the pano is there but nothing shows so I will try it again.

Photo Stitcher when done shows the stitched pano onscreen and says to tap above to select more images to make a new pano. I found it sometimes frustrating because you could tap as much as you like and nothing would happen, other times it would work. If it doesn't want to work quit out of the app and restart it and sometimes t will work.

Tonight I took some images and the app would get as far as the main splash screen and no matter where I tapped it refused to open the requester to pick images. I tried quitting and restarting and that didn't work. I deleted the app off my ipad and went back to iTunes Store and downloaded it again but still refuses to do anything. I have tried in both portrait orientation as well as landscape and neither work. Have tried a reset and still refuses to work,

After moving some images to the desktop, moved around 1500 images it now works again.

Tried another Panoramic this morning and it stitched all images without any issues and though still not as high a save resolution it did work and in this case did better then Autostitch. Again there was slight ghosting in the Autostitch panoramic and none in this image.

I have been in touch with the developer and he is going to look into making the UI a bit better, he also liked my suggestion about having the option to decide how the app crops rather then it automatically cropping, and trying to resolve the selection not working sometimes. Hope save resolution goes higher as well but for the moment its a decent app so long as you don't have too many images in cameraroll. I initially had around 4000 and had the issues with tapping doing nothing but with around 2500 now it works.

This is Autostitch
View attachment 97237

Photo Stitcher
View attachment 97238
The Ghosting differences are easy to spot, the Roller in the centre has some towards the front of the machine as well as the rear of the Bobcat.

The app is $0.99 and for that I think it is well worth it.

Thanks for your review, Larry. I think I'll give it a try. Maybe we can encourage more resolution.
HDR Panorama by Christopher Herbon

Currently $0.99 US ($1.39 CA)

New app by the seller of HDR3 and HDR4

Developers description:
Caution: The highest image quality can only be achieved on the iPhone 6s and higher.
Caution: Since very many images are used, processing can take a long time (minutes).

HDR Panorama is the first app with which real HDR panoramas can be captured. In contrast to other apps each images is taken with 4 different exposure settings. For each panorama up to 12 images with 4 exposure settings are captured. This way even large contrast scenes can be captured in the best possible way, without over- oder underexposed regions.

- 270° panorama consisting of up to 48 single images (12 photos with 4 different exposure settings)
- Flexible number of images per HDR (2, 3, 4)
- Orientation display
- Post-processing (gamma, sharpness, saturation, contrast, warmth, brightness)
OS >= 9.0

So far under iOS 10.3 the app works good and has very good save resolution.
Setting in the app are related only to the number of images taken for each part of the panorama.
It does as mentioned take time especially the first image which seems to take the longest, subsequent images show up faster in the processing.
App is portrait orientation only and has a quirky interface.
When you start it shows a small thumbnail on a band and you slowly move it from left to right. If you move to fast it will pop up a message telling you to slow down. You can only take panos from left to right if you start a pano and move to the left it assumes that you are finished taking images and will go to processing.
No way to export the separate images that make up a panoramic and it does not retain panoramics in the app, simply auto saves to camera roll.
I have seen some people saying it crashes but so far its only done that once for me when I tried to take a horizontal orientation pano.
Panos look good with no halo effect, HDR is mild and with very good ghosting control.
I have both of the developers other apps HDR3 and HDR4 and use both still (mainly HDR4) so this was a factor for me when I saw the developer name I was willing to take the chance on it.
Save Resolution is excellent with a 3 image pano saving at 5275x2973 and a 5 image pano saving at 6540x2960.
Algorithm used for stitching the images is good with no ghosting, exposure is handled pretty good between images and does a really good job of straightening images if need be. App also auto crops so there may be some variation in resolution.

For the money its great!

I will post panoramics when I get some I like :) So far we are back to cloud cover and I have only taken a couple panos to try it and nothing really interesting. Its supposed to clear later so we might have a sunset but we have had so few of them lately I am not holding my breath but will see.

I know that FundyBrian has bought the app so maybe if Brian has taken anything he can post here as well.
HDR Panorama by Christopher Herbon

Currently $0.99 US ($1.39 CA)

New app by the seller of HDR3 and HDR4

Developers description:
Caution: The highest image quality can only be achieved on the iPhone 6s and higher.
Caution: Since very many images are used, processing can take a long time (minutes).

HDR Panorama is the first app with which real HDR panoramas can be captured. In contrast to other apps each images is taken with 4 different exposure settings. For each panorama up to 12 images with 4 exposure settings are captured. This way even large contrast scenes can be captured in the best possible way, without over- oder underexposed regions.

- 270° panorama consisting of up to 48 single images (12 photos with 4 different exposure settings)
- Flexible number of images per HDR (2, 3, 4)
- Orientation display
- Post-processing (gamma, sharpness, saturation, contrast, warmth, brightness)
OS >= 9.0

So far under iOS 10.3 the app works good and has very good save resolution.
Setting in the app are related only to the number of images taken for each part of the panorama.
It does as mentioned take time especially the first image which seems to take the longest, subsequent images show up faster in the processing.
App is portrait orientation only and has a quirky interface.
When you start it shows a small thumbnail on a band and you slowly move it from left to right. If you move to fast it will pop up a message telling you to slow down. You can only take panos from left to right if you start a pano and move to the left it assumes that you are finished taking images and will go to processing.
No way to export the separate images that make up a panoramic and it does not retain panoramics in the app, simply auto saves to camera roll.
I have seen some people saying it crashes but so far its only done that once for me when I tried to take a horizontal orientation pano.
Panos look good with no halo effect, HDR is mild and with very good ghosting control.
I have both of the developers other apps HDR3 and HDR4 and use both still (mainly HDR4) so this was a factor for me when I saw the developer name I was willing to take the chance on it.
Save Resolution is excellent with a 3 image pano saving at 5275x2973 and a 5 image pano saving at 6540x2960.
Algorithm used for stitching the images is good with no ghosting, exposure is handled pretty good between images and does a really good job of straightening images if need be. App also auto crops so there may be some variation in resolution.

For the money its great!

I will post panoramics when I get some I like :) So far we are back to cloud cover and I have only taken a couple panos to try it and nothing really interesting. Its supposed to clear later so we might have a sunset but we have had so few of them lately I am not holding my breath but will see.

I know that FundyBrian has bought the app so maybe if Brian has taken anything he can post here as well.
I've bought this too.
From the very little I can find it looks like Autostitch has been integrated into Google Photo App. Little is known for sure but the panoramic portion is reputed to be one of the best out there. I found places where you can download the app on the web but can't find it in Google Play Store and can't confirm it one way or the other... and CloudBursts web site has disappeared...
Tae ho Lee

Not a bad app but so far not a great one either. If the issues with the UI were delt with it would be a lot better.

Save resolution on my Air 2 is changeable between three settings, 1536x1612, 2150x1612 or 3072x2304, why its not full res is beyond me, its close though.
3 settings for how it meters, including one where you can set points.
10 times zoom by sliding up or down in the screen.
Can flip between front or rear camera.
Tap on screen for focus point.
Exposure points are set auto for two modes or it has manual which allows you to drag them.
It does take multiple images but unfortunately no export of the brackets.

Main screen has buttons for Shadow or Hightlights and each will use a different metering program. The Adaptive Rage can be set to Auto or turned off where you can then drag the exposure points to where you want them.
Once you take an image it takes about 5 seconds to process and show the preview screen and gives you the option of cropping.
Cropping is limited to the originals aspect ratio or 1:1, no free or other preset aspect ratios, when in cropping the icon changes to on or off for the 1:1 ratio, above it a very small icon to rotate and it will only rotate counter clockwise in 90deg jumps, on the left side is the accept button along with another tiny icon under it which is as far as I can tell as 1 step undo.
On the preview screen swiping left or right will give you filters, if you swipe fast enough you get a series of icons for the filters.

Once you get past the preview/edit it will let you save at one of three sizes, or share. It has to process when saving and that takes what seems as a long time, around 10 seconds.
In settings it is supposed to save automatically but I have had issues with that (though today it is working right), when you save it gives the options and the icons for where to save are really tiny. Bottom right corner one is camearoll and you can send to twitter, instagram etc or open in and send it to another app.
There are around 30 built in filters but after a quick look doubt I will use them much.

I would like to see the UI fixed so it it works better on the ipad, right now all the setting for modes is sort of squashed right up against the shutter button so sometimes if you want to set it to S-ADR you might hit the shutter button. In the screen shots for an iphone it has a bit more room.
Initial images are quick, about 1 second but then it processes which takes about 4-5 seconds where it switches to a preview/edit mode where you can crop or add a filter.
Final step is sharing or saving. Saving to cameraroll takes around 10 seconds as it reprocesses.

Exif data is nonexistent outside of pixel size, ie doesn’t tell you zoom, or location or anything else.

Last night was a pretty nice sunset here so I took pictures with this app both zoomed and not zoomed and also used FusionHDR, VividHDR, AutoBracket and then merged the brackets w Mobile-HDR.
Results looked very good and in fact I liked the looks of this apps exposure better then in any of the regular HDR apps except for one thing....

The one thing... is noise, this app has more noise then many other apps. I noticed it in the indoor images also but in the outdoor images I was a bit surprised to see it. It is minor and if I run the image through Noiseware (on its default setting) it will get rid of most of the noise if not all. Just having to do that is a pain though.

I will try to contact the developer about the issues and see
It was on sale yesterday for $0.99US and for that is a decent app


This is one of the images from last nights sunset, was only able to get a few images as the light faded really quick, which these days is early, there were taken just after 5pm.
HDR Panorama by Christopher Herbon

Currently $0.99 US ($1.39 CA)

New app by the seller of HDR3 and HDR4

Developers description:
Caution: The highest image quality can only be achieved on the iPhone 6s and higher.
Caution: Since very many images are used, processing can take a long time (minutes).

HDR Panorama is the first app with which real HDR panoramas can be captured. In contrast to other apps each images is taken with 4 different exposure settings. For each panorama up to 12 images with 4 exposure settings are captured. This way even large contrast scenes can be captured in the best possible way, without over- oder underexposed regions.

- 270° panorama consisting of up to 48 single images (12 photos with 4 different exposure settings)
- Flexible number of images per HDR (2, 3, 4)
- Orientation display
- Post-processing (gamma, sharpness, saturation, contrast, warmth, brightness)
OS >= 9.0

So far under iOS 10.3 the app works good and has very good save resolution.
Setting in the app are related only to the number of images taken for each part of the panorama.
It does as mentioned take time especially the first image which seems to take the longest, subsequent images show up faster in the processing.
App is portrait orientation only and has a quirky interface.
When you start it shows a small thumbnail on a band and you slowly move it from left to right. If you move to fast it will pop up a message telling you to slow down. You can only take panos from left to right if you start a pano and move to the left it assumes that you are finished taking images and will go to processing.
No way to export the separate images that make up a panoramic and it does not retain panoramics in the app, simply auto saves to camera roll.
I have seen some people saying it crashes but so far its only done that once for me when I tried to take a horizontal orientation pano.
Panos look good with no halo effect, HDR is mild and with very good ghosting control.
I have both of the developers other apps HDR3 and HDR4 and use both still (mainly HDR4) so this was a factor for me when I saw the developer name I was willing to take the chance on it.
Save Resolution is excellent with a 3 image pano saving at 5275x2973 and a 5 image pano saving at 6540x2960.
Algorithm used for stitching the images is good with no ghosting, exposure is handled pretty good between images and does a really good job of straightening images if need be. App also auto crops so there may be some variation in resolution.

For the money its great!

I will post panoramics when I get some I like :) So far we are back to cloud cover and I have only taken a couple panos to try it and nothing really interesting. Its supposed to clear later so we might have a sunset but we have had so few of them lately I am not holding my breath but will see.

I know that FundyBrian has bought the app so maybe if Brian has taken anything he can post here as well.

I’ve just made 2 trials with this app so far, both times when it was rather dull lighting so not much of a test for HDR.
If you have tried the pano function in the native camera app you will find HDR Panorama very familiar. So familiar that you will be caught off guard when the app tells you to slow down when you start your panning movement. It looks the same but it is making several more frames along the way. You have to pan slower than with the native pano. However, since you are panning so slowly I find it easier to keep the arrow centred on the track.

This view is about 180°hand held (since I was standing on a rock in the water). It has only had minor tweaks in the Photos app.
I just tried it to see what would happen.
The resolution of the full image is 12325 x 3686 px. With an image this large most editing apps will downsize it.
For comparison here is another I made with DMD Panorama.

This one is 7764 x 2500 px. Interesting to see it has lower resolution. Other than that you won’t be able to see any difference in quality in these low resolution uploads.
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