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Mobitog Health Thread

As things are loosening up around here and I’m seeing people I haven’t seen in a while, I find I do know someone who tested positive for Covid19. A friend’s wife was scheduled for elbow surgery and in the pre-op testing was positive. She and her husband and daughter were quarantined. She never had any symptoms, and her family never caught it. Oddly, she was allowed off quarantine 10 days before her family. Everyone is off quarantine now and quite healthy.
We’ve just been into our local little town to collect the keys to our new house (I know, so exciting), and I only saw one other person wearing a mask (well, two if you count my DH). The attempt at “social distancing” was a joke. The market was on and it was as if the virus had never happened. What’s going on? I’m honestly starting to feel like I’m the mad one.
We’ve just been into our local little town to collect the keys to our new house (I know, so exciting), and I only saw one other person wearing a mask (well, two if you count my DH). The attempt at “social distancing” was a joke. The market was on and it was as if the virus had never happened. What’s going on? I’m honestly starting to feel like I’m the mad one.
Well the curve has certainly been flattened in the UK. I still think the government have handled the whole pandemic with incompetence and a clear disregard for public health but they have flattened the curve.

What I'm keeping an eye on is What happens in the next two or three weeks now lockdown is being relaxed. (There's been a two ish week delay between actions taken and the effect on infections)
Of course you might want to consider whether you are mad or not.... :whistle:
We’ve just been into our local little town to collect the keys to our new house (I know, so exciting), and I only saw one other person wearing a mask (well, two if you count my DH). The attempt at “social distancing” was a joke. The market was on and it was as if the virus had never happened. What’s going on? I’m honestly starting to feel like I’m the mad one.
I’m with you. They are re-opening around here and it’s as if someone switch the coronavirus switch to off. No masks, no distancing, no cautions. Our curve locally looks rather like rizole Rizole’s but I’m not so sure about two weeks from now.
We’ve just been into our local little town to collect the keys to our new house (I know, so exciting), and I only saw one other person wearing a mask (well, two if you count my DH). The attempt at “social distancing” was a joke. The market was on and it was as if the virus had never happened. What’s going on? I’m honestly starting to feel like I’m the mad one.
Congratulations on the new house!
We’ve just been into our local little town to collect the keys to our new house (I know, so exciting), and I only saw one other person wearing a mask (well, two if you count my DH). The attempt at “social distancing” was a joke. The market was on and it was as if the virus had never happened. What’s going on? I’m honestly starting to feel like I’m the mad one.
I went to Tesco’s today with my face screen, mask and gloves and I bumped into a golfing friend from my club. I felt like a complete martian. I feel like I’m the only one taking this seriously. :confused:
We’ve just been into our local little town to collect the keys to our new house (I know, so exciting), and I only saw one other person wearing a mask (well, two if you count my DH). The attempt at “social distancing” was a joke. The market was on and it was as if the virus had never happened. What’s going on? I’m honestly starting to feel like I’m the mad one.
Woohoo! It seems ages since you moved out of your old place. Do you have to do much to it?
I went to Tesco’s today with my face screen, mask and gloves and I bumped into a golfing friend from my club. I felt like a complete martian. I feel like I’m the only one taking this seriously. :confused:
I've not worn a mask or gloves at all. I do take things seriously though, I figure if I steer away from people, wash hands/use sanitiser as often as possible and don't touch my face I'll be ok. Its worked so far, it works for me anyway.
I've seen plenty of Martians though ;)
I've not worn a mask or gloves at all. I do take things seriously though, I figure if I steer away from people, wash hands/use sanitiser as often as possible and don't touch my face I'll be ok. Its worked so far, it works for me anyway.
I've seen plenty of Martians though ;)
Everybody had to wear them in South Africa so I got used to it and it definitely felt safer.
Everybody had to wear them in South Africa so I got used to it and it definitely felt safer.
I feel safer, too. Over here they say that the masks are to protect others from you but I can’t help but think if the mask is supposed to help stop a sneeze from a few millimeters inside a mask, it should do something to stop the droplets from a couple of meters away.
I've listened to a couple of podcasts on this recently. There's a fine aerosol of microscopic particles that comes out your mouth every time you exhale, cough, sneeze, talk, all the time. Larger drops tend to fall to ground within a 2 meter range which is where the recommended distance comes from. But smaller drops can be suspended in the air for a number of minutes and do some travelling depending on air currents. And obviously if there's any virus in it, that travels too. I forget the figures but they've found virus fragments down the length of a corridor attached to an isolation ward that had one infected patient in it. They couldn't work out if the fragments could still be infectious but still.

On a side note you are apparently 19times more likely to catch covid indoors than out. Better ventilation I guess.
I've listened to a couple of podcasts on this recently. There's a fine aerosol of microscopic particles that comes out your mouth every time you exhale, cough, sneeze, talk, all the time. Larger drops tend to fall to ground within a 2 meter range which is where the recommended distance comes from. But smaller drops can be suspended in the air for a number of minutes and do some travelling depending on air currents. And obviously if there's any virus in it, that travels too. I forget the figures but they've found virus fragments down the length of a corridor attached to an isolation ward that had one infected patient in it. They couldn't work out if the fragments could still be infectious but still.

On a side note you are apparently 19times more likely to catch covid indoors than out. Better ventilation I guess.
Still not wearing a mask though :p
If only people would keep their distance, respect others - they do not - sinnerjohn - fact is, even during “Senior shopping hours” there are people who are too hurried to respect others, don’t wear masks (would be nice during Senior hours”), and disregard the arrows in the aisles indicating one way. :angry:

We wear masks and I’ve been considering the face shield. Masks are quite hot when it is 92° outside.
Woohoo! It seems ages since you moved out of your old place. Do you have to do much to it?
Loads! But not as much as we did the last time we moved. The architect comes on Tuesday to take some measurements to draw up the plans, and the builder is coming to have a look at our ideas tomorrow. The kitchen company is the same one that did our other kitchen, so it’s all coming together. :D Famous last words!!!:rolleyes:
I went to Tesco’s today with my face screen, mask and gloves and I bumped into a golfing friend from my club. I felt like a complete martian. I feel like I’m the only one taking this seriously. :confused:
Keep on doing what you’re doing Ann. We should all be wearing masks to protect each other, but that’s not going to happen.
Keep on doing what you’re doing Ann. We should all be wearing masks to protect each other, but that’s not going to happen.
I’ve just got an email from a young Hong Kong friend of ours who we acted as guardians for here in the UK a year ago. He was flying home to HK from Chicago Uni and he said there were mainland Chinese on the flight wearing hazmat suits. I feel a bit better now. :lmao:
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