MobiColour RESULTS: MC #24 NO THEME - July 11-17

and there's colour too. has anyone else had the cheek to post the same image in b/w and colour challenges in the same week?
VscoView attachment 79567
Not so much cheek, more ingenuity. I think it's been done the other way round. But anyway, it's a great image, made even better and more interesting by the fact that we don't have the whole head in the image. I love that.:thumbs:
and there's colour too. has anyone else had the cheek to post the same image in b/w and colour challenges in the same week?

Me! (And some others, I'm pretty sure.)

And we're all glad of it. You'll notice it's not an infrequent request: 'can we see the B&W/colour version?' And where would you be, anyway, without all our learned opinions on which worked best how?
Breakwater (with tetrapods)
Snapseed, ACDSee

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