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Mobi365 Ubbyisis’ Project 365 - 2022

Day 310 - November 6th - Sunday Sonday :inlove:

Time to get Linus back home after a great weekend together.

Chopper :thumbs:




Chiller :cool:

Day 311 - November 7th - Baldr’s braw

This one is called ”barldersbrå”. Balder was a son of Odin.

In Sweden and Norway, it is called Baldr's brow, but in Iceland, it is the close relative Sea Mayweed (Matricaria maritima) that carries this name. In Gylfaginning, Snorri Sturluson explains that the name Balder's brow comes from the plants' whiteness” från “Tripleurospermum inodorum”: Tripleurospermum inodorum - Wikipedia

Shot with the upside-down-technique on my walk earlier today. Edited in LRM

The Sleeping Giant is in the background. Doesn’t look like a giant from this angle


Day 311 - November 7th - Baldr’s braw

This one is called ”barldersbrå”. Balder was a son of Odin.

In Sweden and Norway, it is called Baldr's brow, but in Iceland, it is the close relative Sea Mayweed (Matricaria maritima) that carries this name. In Gylfaginning, Snorri Sturluson explains that the name Balder's brow comes from the plants' whiteness” från “Tripleurospermum inodorum”: Tripleurospermum inodorum - Wikipedia

Shot with the upside-down-technique on my walk earlier today. Edited in LRM

The Sleeping Giant is in the background. Doesn’t look like a giant from this angle

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I use that technique myself!
Day 311 - November 7th - Baldr’s braw

This one is called ”barldersbrå”. Balder was a son of Odin.

In Sweden and Norway, it is called Baldr's brow, but in Iceland, it is the close relative Sea Mayweed (Matricaria maritima) that carries this name. In Gylfaginning, Snorri Sturluson explains that the name Balder's brow comes from the plants' whiteness” från “Tripleurospermum inodorum”: Tripleurospermum inodorum - Wikipedia

Shot with the upside-down-technique on my walk earlier today. Edited in LRM

The Sleeping Giant is in the background. Doesn’t look like a giant from this angle

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One would think it was Springtime!
One would think it was Springtime!
Agreed, but I have been looking back at my November photos from the last few years and there are photos of baldersbrå, bluebells and clover. Would be interesting comparing with photos from when we were new out here. Impossible though. 1. I was never out walking :rolleyes: 2. I didn’t take much photos:)
Agreed, but I have been looking back at my November photos from the last few years and there are photos of baldersbrå, bluebells and clover. Would be interesting comparing with photos from when we were new out here. Impossible though. 1. I was never out walking :rolleyes: 2. I didn’t take much photos:)
Good idea. I’m amazed this year at the late flowers. I believe I’ll talk a walk down Novembers past, myself.
Day 312 - November 8th - Birdwatching from inside

After a long walk on a grey and hazy November day it’s nice to come home, grab a triple espresso and doing some birdwatching. Kitchen window i still relatively free from speckles :)

European Nuthatch - native cam, too much zoom, edits in LRM


Extra: can you spot the tiny tree sparrow in the background :D
Day 313 - November 9th - De-waxed :thumbs:

Linus had an appointment at the medical centre this morning to get rid of a huge amount of earwax. He’s going back next week. Luckily enough he didn’t get upset. Perhaps he realized it was needed.
By the way, did you know that there are two types of earwax - wet and dry - and it’s in the genes :eek: I needed to check the English word for öronvax and found a long article about it on Wikipedia. You learn new things everyday.

Espresso and raspberries at his place as usual

native cam, edits in LRM (just cropping and a little extra spice to his eyes)



Day 313 - November 9th - De-waxed :thumbs:

Linus had an appointment at the medical centre this morning to get rid of a huge amount of earwax. He’s going back next week. Luckily enough he didn’t get upset. Perhaps he realized it was needed.
By the way, did you know that there are two types of earwax - wet and dry - and it’s in the genes :eek: I needed to check the English word for öronvax and found a long article about it on Wikipedia. You learn new things everyday.

Espresso and raspberries at his place as usual

native cam, edits in LRM (just cropping and a little extra spice to his eyes)

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Hopefully the next appointment will be as smooth. Does Linus have an espresso machine or do you bring it with you?
Hopefully the next appointment will be as smooth. Does Linus have an espresso machine or do you bring it with you?
We bring the coffee. For safety reasons we haven’t bought him a machine. In fact, when Linus and his neighbours moved in we decided together that normally the stove and the oven are disconnected. Once a week Linus makes his own dinner with a helper from the staff. The rest of the meals they eat together on the groundfloor which has a large room with kitchen part, sofas and TV. Well, of course Linus has sofa and TV in his apartment too :) What I mean is that the groundfloor is for shared activities
We bring the coffee. For safety reasons we haven’t bought him a machine. In facts, when Linus and his neighbours moved in we decided together that normally the stove and the oven are disconnected. Once a week Linus makes his own dinner with a helper from the staff. The rest of the meals they eat together on the groundfloor which has a large room with kitchen part, sofas and TV. Well, of course Linus has sofa and TV in his apartment too :) What I mean is that the groundfloor is for shared activities
Sounds like a good facility. We have group homes around here. Communal kitchens and living/ activities rooms but everyone gets their own bedroom. I like the idea of an apartment, though. Seems more independent.
Sounds like a good facility. We have group homes around here. Communal kitchens and living/ activities rooms but everyone gets their own bedroom. I like the idea of an apartment, though. Seems more independent.
Oh yes, we’re happy he got an apartment there. His apartment is about 40m2 and consists of a large combined living room and kitchen, a tiny bedroom and a vestibule with wardrobes and an adjacent bathroom. The house is in a part of Uppsala where wealthy people live. Kind of a paradox as Linus and his likes are far from being wealthy :whistle:
Day 314 - November 10th - Not complete darkness

oh, how I dislike November

the closest we got to a sunny walk - LRM


on our way home from the grocery store this afternoon - LRM


coming home at 16:45 - LRM


our greenhouse spreads a magic light - LRM

the closest we got to a sunny walk - LRM
Look at those rays. They’re called “the fingers of god” around here. (I call them sunbeams :lmao: )
on our way home from the grocery store this afternoon - LRM
I love this! The colors, the movement……
The greenhouse is super cool, but what’s burning in the middle?
Look at those rays. They’re called “the fingers of god” around here. (I call them sunbeams :lmao: )

I love this! The colors, the movement……
The greenhouse is super cool, but what’s burning in the middle?
We could call the rays ”goldfingers” as something in between :) But wait - Sun is a god for many people. But perhaps those people are not the same as those who say ”fingers of god”. Sorry about this babbling:rolleyes:

Me too love the shot from the car. I didn’t expect that result. I made the colours a bit warmer in the edit but nothing else I think.

”Burning in the middle”. Do you mean in the middle of the greenhouse? There are several light chains and one of them is curled upp like a ball. Or were you referring to the photo above the greenhouse? DH set fire to a small pile of sticks and twigs - rests from his ”garden cleaning project”.
Day 315 - November 11th - Fungi

It’s already pitch dark and I haven’t shot more than two photos :( This period is so uninspiring.

From my daily walk - edits in Picsart and Lightroom mobile (I will call it LRM from now on so not to wear out my keyboard :D)

We could call the rays ”goldfingers” as something in between :) But wait - Sun is a god for many people. But perhaps those people are not the same as those who say ”fingers of god”. Sorry about this babbling:rolleyes:

Me too love the shot from the car. I didn’t expect that result. I made the colours a bit warmer in the edit but nothing else I think.

”Burning in the middle”. Do you mean in the middle of the greenhouse? There are several light chains and one of them is curled upp like a ball. Or were you referring to the photo above the greenhouse? DH set fire to a small pile of sticks and twigs - rests from his ”garden cleaning project”.
I meant the actual fire. I love sitting around a fire when it’s cool outside.

Your greenhouse does glow from within. I was wondering if it heats up enough on a sunny winter day to bask inside it?
Day 315 - November 11th - Fungi

It’s already pitch dark and I haven’t shot more than two photos :( This period is so uninspiring.

From my daily walk - edits in Picsart and Lightroom mobile (I will call it LRM from now on so not to wear out my keyboard :D)

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I’ll try to remember LRM so I’m not googling the latest texting shortcuts to find out what it means. :lmao:
I meant the actual fire. I love sitting around a fire when it’s cool outside.

Your greenhouse does glow from within. I was wondering if it heats up enough on a sunny winter day to bask inside it?
Well, it happens in early spring that we take a coffee in there. And this warm autumn has lead to that our peppermint is still fresh and growing. But the tomatoes gave up several weeks ago. They want sunshine. Me too :)
As for the fire I have many happy memories from my years as a scout a very long time ago.
Day 316 - November 12th - No blob morning :thumbs::)

The strong winds that roared so we could hardly sleep have now calmed down. The Moon said good morning to me and it seems we’ll get a warm sunny day.

Shot 8 am with native cam. Edits in LRM - mostly noise reduction on the sky



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