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ImageArt’s Project 365 - 2022

Thu 27 Jan

Cultivating Paper :lol:


Another hectic day when it feels we will not get everything done what with finding more stuff to take to charity and more stuff to take to the dump (garbage site). So had to get creative again. At least I could do one more thing with my paper flowers before throwing them out… which fitted in nicely with this week’s theme. :sneaky:
Will you have a place for a feeder?
There are grounds with trees but I would probably have to ask to put up a feeder and I wouldn’t see it anyway. Our place is on the top floor and the two bedrooms look out on the front so not much view. The patio is great and quite big but it’s walled in and you can only see the tops of the trees. I intend to fill it with plants but I doubt the birds will fly over the wall onto the patio.
Sat 29 Jan

It feels like the attic is a black hole spewing out stuff. :lol: Just when we think we have got most of it down, we discover that actually there is still a lot left. We finally brought down the last load. All our old framed pictures.:eek: We realised that there are few walls for art in our new flat so virtually all of them will have to go and we have discovered that charities won’t take them. Aghhh. Nearing the end though.


FilmRoll applies quite a lot of noise. Don’t know whether I am a fan. And is there anyway to switch off the date stamp??


Think I prefer RNI. Will have to wait for when lifetime access is on sale to get the pro version of this.

On one of my endless trips. :lol:
Yes, tap the hexagon icon on the right to get to prefs and then tap Watermark.
Ah, thanks. I expected a toggle button there like the next option and it was just a blank. I didn’t think to tap the word. :lol: Definitely getting old.
Think I prefer RNI.
I used to, but now they've irked me considerably. They introduced a subscription Pro mode, and well, OK, everybody's trying that. For previous adopters they added a new date stamp. Keen, but it defaults to on and you need the subscription to turn it off. Grrr. They caught so much grief for that move that they backed off and allowed turning it off without a subscription, so I was ready to start using it again, but then it turns out that a number of the films I used to have access to are now marked Pro only. Pffft. No more of that for me.
I used to, but now they've irked me considerably. They introduced a subscription Pro mode, and well, OK, everybody's trying that. For previous adopters they added a new date stamp. Keen, but it defaults to on and you need the subscription to turn it off. Grrr. They caught so much grief for that move that they backed off and allowed turning it off without a subscription, so I was ready to start using it again, but then it turns out that a number of the films I used to have access to are now marked Pro only. Pffft. No more of that for me.
Apple’s damn subscription policy is such a turn off. I’m keen to see what Elon Musk produces even if I’m not a fan of the man. About time Apple had a serious contender.
Sun 30 Jan

Stopping at these road works for the umpteenth time.

View attachment 176191
Oh, I know the feeling. When we go to Linus place we have to travel along a street in Uppsala which has ongoing road works since two years back. It’s sooooo frustrating. I’m not driving though so I usually dive into Instagram or Mobitog to escape :cool:
Apple’s damn subscription policy is such a turn off. I’m keen to see what Elon Musk produces even if I’m not a fan of the man. About time Apple had a serious contender.
:lol: I love all you Apple fan boys and girls. Android has around 73% of the worldwide mobile market compared to Apple's 26%, so I'd say Apple already has a serious contender in that sense ;)
Admittedly Apple rule the USA, which is weird as Android/Google is also an American Company, but hey.
In terms of apps, I won't get into that battle as Apple definitely have the upper hand :(
:lol: I love all you Apple fan boys and girls. Android has around 73% of the worldwide mobile market compared to Apple's 26%, so I'd say Apple already has a serious contender in that sense ;)
Admittedly Apple rule the USA, which is weird as Android/Google is also an American Company, but hey.
In terms of apps, I won't get into that battle as Apple definitely have the upper hand :(
Apps are the main reason I stick with Apple and also the fact that all software just works. Oh and also I have never had a virus and I believe there’s more privacy. Hmm, I suppose lots of reasons. But boy, the prices suck. For me Android isn’t a contender.

Yes, I know, with all the CCTV in the world today and all the social media sites tracking your moves, who cares about Apple privacy.
I'm a troll now?
Certainly not most of the time. But you came on with the snark, and you inserted Android vs. iOS into the conversation when you know the kind of work Ann does and what apps she uses, and you know she wouldn't have those on Android. You didn't expect anyone to push back a bit?

Maybe I should put a picture of a cat there then if people don't like what I look like.

I resemble that remark.
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