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Mobi365 Jilly’s Project 365 - 2022



All this meadow and track by the fields has been killed with weedkiller! And not just these in the photo, but practically all the set-aside by all of the fields around. It saddens and angers me.



In contrast, our garden, which never sees weedkiller or chemical harmful to wildlife, is full of bees, caterpillars and insects. The caterplillar is of the Mullein Moth, and the thing on the leaf is a ladybird larva, just getting ready to change.

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All this meadow and track by the fields has been killed with weedkiller! And not just these in the photo, but practically all the set-aside by all of the fields around. It saddens and angers me.

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In contrast, our garden, which never sees weedkiller or chemical harmful to wildlife, is full of bees, caterpillars and insects. The caterplillar is of the Mullein Moth, and the thing on the leaf is a ladybird larva, just getting ready to change.
One would have thought that by now weedkillers would be obsolete :alien: Over here we’re expecting the roadside flower killers any day now. Yesterday they came with a huge thing cutting of a lot of tiny tree branches. The roadsides are now full of them. Looks ugly

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A lone poppy amongst the grasses. Bluristic
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Some roses I cut from the garden. The roses are amazing this year. Diptic
Do you know all their names? I don’t recognise the red one top R.

I’ve just planted a cream and a pink Pierre de Ronsard climber (my favourite climber :inlove: Before now I thought there was only the pink version). I have a second Mr Lincoln waiting for a suitable spot. And I’m looking for a tall standard Double Delight. We’re planning a back yard reno of sorts - lots of sun so all I can think of is lots of raised garden beds for kitchen garden, and roses roses roses:lmao:
Do you know all their names? I don’t recognise the red one top R.

I’ve just planted a cream and a pink Pierre de Ronsard climber (my favourite climber :inlove: Before now I thought there was only the pink version). I have a second Mr Lincoln waiting for a suitable spot. And I’m looking for a tall standard Double Delight. We’re planning a back yard reno of sorts - lots of sun so all I can think of is lots of raised garden beds for kitchen garden, and roses roses roses:lmao:
All of you gardeners make me so jealous. I’ve planted my two porch boxes and I’m waiting for the super sales to plant the three pots out back. Probably 8 square foot total. :lmao:

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Up to this point, we were crawling along the M25 in a massive queue, so I thought I’m bound to get a good photo of aircraft taking off from Heathrow Airport. However, just as we came up to the part where they fly over the motorway, the traffic cleared and we were zooming along. Typical.
It’s lovely though, waiting my turn for a good plane photo!
Do you know all their names? I don’t recognise the red one top R.

I’ve just planted a cream and a pink Pierre de Ronsard climber (my favourite climber :inlove: Before now I thought there was only the pink version). I have a second Mr Lincoln waiting for a suitable spot. And I’m looking for a tall standard Double Delight. We’re planning a back yard reno of sorts - lots of sun so all I can think of is lots of raised garden beds for kitchen garden, and roses roses roses:lmao:
Sorry dearest, I thought I‘d read this in another’s thread.:lol: The rose top right is called James Austin. Austin (David) is the name of the company/family that grow the roses - famous in England. It’s a beauty with a wonderful scent. The lighter pink one is also an Austin rose - Boscobel. Another with a lovely ”rose-y” perfume. The others were planted before we moved here, so I don’t know their names.


We often walk past this little plaque, but have no idea who Prinz was or what GCSWE means. It was the anniverwary of Prinz’s death recently and someone left some flowers.


The bracken has grown. Hipstamatic, DistressedFX



My stepdaughter and her new husband went to Rhodes for their honeymoon. She texted me to ask if I’d ever made hummus because it tasted so lovely in Greece - so different to the shop-bought varieties. I have tried to make it lots of times and it’s always been a disaster. I even peeled every chickpea in a can, because that’s what the recipe called for!!!!:eek: I told her I’d try again and went onto Pinterest to find a recipe. It turns out it’s quite easy once you find the right recipe!:lol: I also made some tzatziki from another recipe on Pinterest. We’ll be eating both tonight with some falafels (bought from shop). Both edited in Foodie.

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My stepdaughter and her new husband went to Rhodes for their honeymoon. She texted me to ask if I’d ever made hummus because it tasted so lovely in Greece - so different to the shop-bought varieties. I have tried to make it lots of times and it’s always been a disaster. I even peeled every chickpea in a can, because that’s what the recipe called for!!!!:eek: I told her I’d try again and went onto Pinterest to find a recipe. It turns out it’s quite easy once you find the right recipe!:lol: I also made some tzatziki from another recipe on Pinterest. We’ll be eating both tonight with some falafels (bought from shop). Both edited in Foodie.
I :inlove: tzatziki!

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My stepdaughter and her new husband went to Rhodes for their honeymoon. She texted me to ask if I’d ever made hummus because it tasted so lovely in Greece - so different to the shop-bought varieties. I have tried to make it lots of times and it’s always been a disaster. I even peeled every chickpea in a can, because that’s what the recipe called for!!!!:eek: I told her I’d try again and went onto Pinterest to find a recipe. It turns out it’s quite easy once you find the right recipe!:lol: I also made some tzatziki from another recipe on Pinterest. We’ll be eating both tonight with some falafels (bought from shop). Both edited in Foodie.
We often made hummus. I really loved the taste of it. Unfortunately I can’t eat it since they messed up my tummy :(

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My stepdaughter and her new husband went to Rhodes for their honeymoon. She texted me to ask if I’d ever made hummus because it tasted so lovely in Greece - so different to the shop-bought varieties. I have tried to make it lots of times and it’s always been a disaster. I even peeled every chickpea in a can, because that’s what the recipe called for!!!!:eek: I told her I’d try again and went onto Pinterest to find a recipe. It turns out it’s quite easy once you find the right recipe!:lol: I also made some tzatziki from another recipe on Pinterest. We’ll be eating both tonight with some falafels (bought from shop). Both edited in Foodie.
The last time I made I used a recipe that called for cooking the canned beans for 20 minutes in water with baking soda added. It was the best, creamiest ever. Still haven’t made tzatziki. Must try that soon.
The last time I made I used a recipe that called for cooking the canned beans for 20 minutes in water with baking soda added. It was the best, creamiest ever. Still haven’t made tzatziki. Must try that soon.
Yes, I’ve seen that recipe too. I did boil the canned beans before I peeled them. Madness.:tonguewink:
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