MobiColour RESULT: MC #133 Theme: Two Colors - August 13-19, 2018

I ran some hex values from the picture through and although it's quite a flat palette the colours lie in different sections of the colour wheel. It's two colours as far as I'm concerned.

Shows how much I know. I thought there were, like, um, seven colours ROYGBIV. Then I got RBG. As for CYMK, better go read rizole’s link. o_O
Shows how much I know. I thought there were, like, um, seven colours ROYGBIV. Then I got RBG. As for CYMK, better go read rizole’s link. o_O
It’s always fun to compare colour wheels between painters, & photographers and physicists. The colours aren’t even in the same locations on the wheels. Additive primaries and subtractive primaries. When a painter mixes red & green they get mud while a photographer gets yellow.

It’s interesting to remember this six colour wheel while contemplating adjusting the white balance of a photo. The correct colour balance would be in the middle but a colour shift could send the white balance off in any of the 360º around the circle. Then look at the typical colour correction sliders: yello-blue, and red-green. Seems like some conspicuous gaps there. The ideal would be more like a joystick allowing you to move in any direction around the wheel. So when your photo looks too cyan you head towards red, or when it looks too green you head towards magenta. Maybe its easier to think of it as pulling back from green, backing towards magenta. No matter how you do it, it is much easier to get the white balance correct at the time of photographing.
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