MobiColour RESULT: MC #22 Theme: Pairs - June 27-July 3

I keep coming back to this one, Ted. I like its unfinished/overlapping/almost/not quite . . . Something. Something about the flat look of the paint, in spite of the gradient. The two panels kindof pushed out to the edges... Looks all wrong, in a very 'keep coming back' kindof way
Thanks. :) It's an odd thing, isn't it? And I almost never use borders, but this didn't look done (in its unfinished way) until I added that ragged one. And you're right about the gradient, too -- I liked the changing colors so much I kept it, even though it pulls against the flat look I was trying for. (The original is a photo of overhead skylights with metal seagull silhouettes.)
Beets me
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