• No miracles have occurred, so MobiTog will be closing its doors here on June15 and moving to Discord. Please see updates in the MobiTog Closing thread, including a link to join our Discord server.

The future of MobiTog in 2024

I think the proliferation of A.I and the almost universal use of image generation/modification has put an end to any kind of requirement or desire for skill in photography at a social level. Nowadays it is almost impossible to take bad photo with a modern device and even in the rare eventuality that you actually do - A.I can fix it in post and save you the embarrassment. The unfortunate downside of this is that the demand for sites like this has diminished and the social side has just been re-absorbed by the demon SocMed.

There will still be the die hards who will frequent Mobitog, but I feel that it will be difficult to attract new users to the site, as real photography has now become very much last years model.. We are the digital equivalent of the analogue photography clubs, meeting in a sheltered clubhouse every week, to share our latest prints and admire each others equipment. Meanwhile A.I is in the big city, flashing its lights and ringing its bells and the rank and file are shuffling towards it clutching their Pixel 10s and IPhone 20s like moths to a flame and being convinced that their fauxtography is the next BIG THING. Ah well, it was fun while it lasted!
I would say we’ve always been like an analog photography group. I don’t think AI has anything to do with it. I’ve commented before here about how the vast majority of people are uninterested in getting the best shot they can on their cameras or editing their shots in any way. As I said above, most people prompting away at AI now have no interest in getting something creative, it’s just “here’s what I did” and move on. Or “how can I make money from this”.

We talked a bit about adding an AI-Assisted Art section for the kind of hybrid work you (and now ImageArt too) are doing. Maybe we should go ahead and give that a try. You seem to be having such fun with it.

Personally, I can't support this idea, as its just opening the doors fully to the domination of A.I. It will probably get more traffic and members, but will also flood the site with images which are purely artificial, which is surely the opposite of what Photography is about?

I think I would agree with Bill here (although not because of the “dominance” of AI). Although I am having fun with AI, it’s not really the point of this group. This group is heavily geared towards straight photography, with some offshoots into mobile art, like Appstracts and collages. Only a portion of the members are interested in these offshoots. I treat AI like a further extension of those mobile art offshoots.

I think if current members were truly interested in AI, Ann and I would get many more questions about it, since members are not shy about discussions. So there is probably not enough current interest to support a new section. And I wouldn’t really welcome a flood of new members who would do the equivalent of posting a few selfies each week and not engage.
Either or both? We could use some new active members, I think. Even long-term members may disappear for a while when life intervenes, so we need enough activity to keep the party alive when that happens.

Also, I have a question for you. We can see from the lists of members and visits that a fair number of people register as members and then never come back, or come back now and then but never post a message or an image, or post an image or two and then disappear. I'm not sure what to make of this. Is there something getting in their way, like finding their way around the site? Or do they just discover they're not interested. Or do they get intimidated?

Any ideas about any of that? Since you're still kinda new, I'm wondering if you may see something that us long-timers have forgotten.

(Happy to hear from anyone else who may have ideas about converting sign-ups into active members
I was a member for perhaps 6 months before I dared post or comment. Partly because I was afraid that my English wasn’t good enough, but mostly asd I felt ”Oh, these people are professionals. What did I think of when joined?” (I think I joined after having read a recommendation from iPhone Photography School). Then one day I thought: ”What the heck: Let’s just post a photo and see how it goes”. And here I am. With much more of self confidence than back in 2016 :)
I've been off for the holidays, that's why I've not been on here very much.

There isn't a lot of forums on the internet dedicated to mobile photography which is a shame, most are pretty derelict with no posts for months or even years. I was a regular poster on DPreview's mobile photography forum until Amazon decided to drop it....then change tack after everyone had gone their separate ways. That's where I stumbled upon this place, nice, friendly and relaxed environment to showcase our work which borders on art in some cases.

If I knew of others then I would definitely send them this way to engage.

Mobile photography will only grow as amateurs use their phones to snap away, I've not been on here long but have seen new names (to me at least) appear and hope it continues to flourish.
That’s a great idea, Steve. Would you consider starting a thread in our “Everything Else” Forum ?
Lots of different angles & interests in this forum, some generate a lot of participation: : eg, our pets, found faces, Roadside memorials, Christmas bling . . , Not collections, though — that’s a new one, and we’d love to see it :thumbs:

Either or both? We could use some new active members, I think. Even long-term members may disappear for a while when life intervenes, so we need enough activity to keep the party alive when that happens.

Also, I have a question for you. We can see from the lists of members and visits that a fair number of people register as members and then never come back, or come back now and then but never post a message or an image, or post an image or two and then disappear. I'm not sure what to make of this. Is there something getting in their way, like finding their way around the site? Or do they just discover they're not interested. Or do they get intimidated?

Any ideas about any of that? Since you're still kinda new, I'm wondering if you may see something that us long-timers have forgotten.

(Happy to hear from anyone else who may have ideas about converting sign-ups into active members.)
I did mention that above……
I would say we’ve always been like an analog photography group. I don’t think AI has anything to do with it. I’ve commented before here about how the vast majority of people are uninterested in getting the best shot they can on their cameras or editing their shots in any way. As I said above, most people prompting away at AI now have no interest in getting something creative, it’s just “here’s what I did” and move on. Or “how can I make money from this”.

I think I would agree with Bill here (although not because of the “dominance” of AI). Although I am having fun with AI, it’s not really the point of this group. This group is heavily geared towards straight photography, with some offshoots into mobile art, like Appstracts and collages. Only a portion of the members are interested in these offshoots. I treat AI like a further extension of those mobile art offshoots.

I think if current members were truly interested in AI, Ann and I would get many more questions about it, since members are not shy about discussions. So there is probably not enough current interest to support a new section. And I wouldn’t really welcome a flood of new members who would do the equivalent of posting a few selfies each week and not engage.
Moving into the future we have to adapt to what comes. Perhaps we started off as mobile photography, but we have welcomed extreme photo manipulation and digital art. There is room for all of us here. Please you and ImageArt Ann continue posting your AI. Telling us how you’ve changed things tells me that you may be starting with AI but you make it your own. It’s not that far from me tossing something into iColorama and it comes out as something completely different. I didn’t do it. Most of the time I can’t even tell you how I did it. :lmao:
That’s a great idea, Steve. Would you consider starting a thread in our “Everything Else” Forum ?
Lots of different angles & interests in this forum, some generate a lot of participation: : eg, our pets, found faces, Roadside memorials, Christmas bling . . , Not collections, though — that’s a new one, and we’d love to see it :thumbs:
Absolutely Jen!
“Collecting” my collection thoughts and I’ll snap a few pics and start that right up.
My own feeling (nothing official) is that, right now, adding a third challenge would spread things too thin. But... we could convert the B/W Challenge into a Monochrome Challenge and make room for sepia and other tints. I'd enjoy that myself.

(Also, the B/W Challenge was originally called MobiMono and did allow tints, so we've got precedent.)
Just floating an idea …
Since there are two B&W challenges per month …how about keeping the 1st challenge classic B&W and opening up to tints & classic B&W on the second challenge?
Either or both? We could use some new active members, I think. Even long-term members may disappear for a while when life intervenes, so we need enough activity to keep the party alive when that happens.

Also, I have a question for you. We can see from the lists of members and visits that a fair number of people register as members and then never come back, or come back now and then but never post a message or an image, or post an image or two and then disappear. I'm not sure what to make of this. Is there something getting in their way, like finding their way around the site? Or do they just discover they're not interested. Or do they get intimidated?

Any ideas about any of that? Since you're still kinda new, I'm wondering if you may see something that us long-timers have forgotten.

(Happy to hear from anyone else who may have ideas about converting sign-ups into active members.)

That’s an interesting question.
I’m surprised that if you manage to land here ..you wouldn’t want to stay….

People wise - I realize that in my own life very few people who have posted to social media in the past continue to do so. No one in my immediate family posts anywhere in any regularity. Most enjoy multiple sites but as a daily read only endeavor. It’s probably hard to compete for their attention w/ the constant barrage of new stuff on most social media sites.

Site wise - it took me a little bit to surf around and get my bearings … & everyone has been really helpful. Nothing has gotten in my way in the least that would turn me away….& it’s a very nice place to be!
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Come on over to Collections : A StudyCollections it’s up and running!

Now is it just me on an iPad ?… I can’t even get text to Bold? I see the B and the I for italics …but it’s greyed out ..even if I tap on them. All of the tools above where you write in the box .. I can’t enable them.

Was hoping to punch up the Collections thread introductory text w/ some bolding … no go.
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Anyone who’d like to join me over in “Collections : A Study” it’s up and running!

Now is it just me on an iPad ?… I can’t even get text to Bold? I see the B and the I for italics …but it’s greyed out ..even if I tap on them. All of the tools above where you write in the box .. I can’t enable them.

Was hoping to punch up the Collections thread introductory text w/ some bolding … no go.
That problem crops up on occasion. There is a set of brackets on the far right side of the tool bar on the post. Click on that and everything should return to normal. Just don’t ask me to explain why.

Anyone who’d like to join me over in “Collections : A Study” it’s up and running!

Now is it just me on an iPad ?… I can’t even get text to Bold? I see the B and the I for italics …but it’s greyed out ..even if I tap on them. All of the tools above where you write in the box .. I can’t enable them.

Was hoping to punch up the Collections thread introductory text w/ some bolding … no go.
What Starzee said. If you hit those [ ] square brackets accidentally, you get switched to BBcode (a kind of markup language). In that mode, none of the other icons in the text box work because you're expected to be entering formatting codes yourself, inline with the text. Tap the brackets icon again and you should be back in the regular edit mode.

If it turns out that's not the answer, let us know so we can dig further.
That’s an interesting question.
I’m surprised that if you manage to land here ..you wouldn’t want to stay….

People wise - I realize that in my own life very few people who have posted to social media in the past continue to do so. No one in my immediate family posts anywhere in any regularity. Most enjoy multiple sites but as a daily read only endeavor. It’s probably hard to compete for their attention w/ the constant barrage of new stuff on most social media sites.

Site wise - it took me a little bit to surf around and get my bearings … & everyone has been really helpful. Nothing has gotten in my way in the least that would turn me away….& it’s a very nice place to be!
Rats. I was hoping for some easy fix. :lmao:
What Starzee said. If you hit those [ ] square brackets accidentally, you get switched to BBcode (a kind of markup language). In that mode, none of the other icons in the text box work because you're expected to be entering formatting codes yourself, inline with the text. Tap the brackets icon again and you should be back in the regular edit mode.

If it turns out that's not the answer, let us know so we can dig further.
Thanks Ted…finally got it going ..I’m now emboldened ! (ouch ..bad pun…)
That made me lol.
Come on over to Collections : A StudyCollections it’s up and running!
Nice work.
There is a set of brackets on the far right side of the tool bar
I find it useful when I have problems with text and image layout. Nothing worse than having your pictures
stuck at the end of a sentence...
messing with your layout.
A little more info...

We've also talked about the possibility of moving to another platform in order to

* Lower or remove the cost of running MobiTog
* Make less work for the mods and admins so they can just think about photos

Instagram doesn't work, especially now that they've killed their experiment in Group Profiles. Their Group Chats just don't cut it for the kind of postings and discussions we have here.

Flickr is a bit iffy but maybe possible. We did have a MobiTog group there for a long time, but (as usual on Flickr) there was no discussion and lots of dump-and-run postings to the photo pool. My own opinion: To make it work at all, we'd have to make it a private group and invite individual people in, and we'd have to get used to posting photos in the discussion threads rather than in the photo pool. It would be free (with ads), and it would eliminate much of the admin work, but it feels like trying to twist the platform to do something it doesn't want to do, a swimming upstream kinda thing.

Other platforms like 500px, etc., seem to be oriented toward gallery presentation and people interested in trying to sell their work.

We also tried out a new site that was so forgettable I can't remember the name. (rizole? Starzee?) Nothing to see there.

I also tried out Arts&Pics on my own, but nothing useful there either.

Any suggestions for or reports of experience with other options are welcome.

The primary downside of moving elsewhere, of course, is that we'd be leaving all the past threads behind and -- in the case of Flickr and similar -- losing the domain name.
A little more info...

We've also talked about the possibility of moving to another platform in order to

* Lower or remove the cost of running MobiTog
* Make less work for the mods and admins so they can just think about photos

Instagram doesn't work, especially now that they've killed their experiment in Group Profiles. Their Group Chats just don't cut it for the kind of postings and discussions we have here.

Flickr is a bit iffy but maybe possible. We did have a MobiTog group there for a long time, but (as usual on Flickr) there was no discussion and lots of dump-and-run postings to the photo pool. My own opinion: To make it work at all, we'd have to make it a private group and invite individual people in, and we'd have to get used to posting photos in the discussion threads rather than in the photo pool. It would be free (with ads), and it would eliminate much of the admin work, but it feels like trying to twist the platform to do something it doesn't want to do, a swimming upstream kinda thing.

Other platforms like 500px, etc., seem to be oriented toward gallery presentation and people interested in trying to sell their work.

We also tried out a new site that was so forgettable I can't remember the name. (rizole? Starzee?) Nothing to see there.

I also tried out Arts&Pics on my own, but nothing useful there either.

Any suggestions for or reports of experience with other options are welcome.

The primary downside of moving elsewhere, of course, is that we'd be leaving all the past threads behind and -- in the case of Flickr and similar -- losing the domain name.
Since, as I said, the discussion is where the real value lies for me, moving to another platform that is not suited for discussion is a no-go for me.
A little more info...

We've also talked about the possibility of moving to another platform in order to

* Lower or remove the cost of running MobiTog
* Make less work for the mods and admins so they can just think about photos

Instagram doesn't work, especially now that they've killed their experiment in Group Profiles. Their Group Chats just don't cut it for the kind of postings and discussions we have here.

Flickr is a bit iffy but maybe possible. We did have a MobiTog group there for a long time, but (as usual on Flickr) there was no discussion and lots of dump-and-run postings to the photo pool. My own opinion: To make it work at all, we'd have to make it a private group and invite individual people in, and we'd have to get used to posting photos in the discussion threads rather than in the photo pool. It would be free (with ads), and it would eliminate much of the admin work, but it feels like trying to twist the platform to do something it doesn't want to do, a swimming upstream kinda thing.

Other platforms like 500px, etc., seem to be oriented toward gallery presentation and people interested in trying to sell their work.

We also tried out a new site that was so forgettable I can't remember the name. (rizole? Starzee?) Nothing to see there.

I also tried out Arts&Pics on my own, but nothing useful there either.

Any suggestions for or reports of experience with other options are welcome.

The primary downside of moving elsewhere, of course, is that we'd be leaving all the past threads behind and -- in the case of Flickr and similar -- losing the domain name.
Flickr is a paid for forum if you intend post more than 1000 photos.
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