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B&W RESULT: #05 Black & White Challenge

Flight of Beer
Hipstamatic • Dramatic B&W
Had to pull over on my way home tonight during our winter storm warning to take some shots of the iced trees. They are dangerous but they sure are beautiful.


Native 7+ and then Snapseed
I've never seen anything like that Laura - how amazing. And great shot. Why are they dangerous - the weight of the ice or falling icicles?
I've never seen anything like that Laura - how amazing. And great shot. Why are they dangerous - the weight of the ice or falling icicles?

Thanks. [emoji4]
The ice weighs down the branches and the cold makes them brittle. So they will break off without warning. Anyone or thing under them will suffer. And the noise of the larger branches is like a gunshot.
View attachment 86317
A path leading to an exit gate at a port in Mombasa, Kenya. I never knew the meaning of the writings on the concrete, though I felt like they seemed to add some personality to the black and white path.
iPhone 6s
Edit: VSCO/ Straightened, vertical perspective corrected, cropped, B&W filter, fine adjusted sharpness and clarity.

This is my first ever post, I am happy. :) Please let me know if I breached the rules in posting an iMage. The size is less than 8MB, but the height is more than 3000 pixels.

You should be pleased...and welcome!
Wonderful shot.
When you upload using a browser rather than the app, there's a note that the max image size is 3000x3000. If I remember correctly, the app doesn't have that notice because it downsizes images automatically (to around 1000 pixels, I think?).

Ah! Thank you. But if too big it won't upload anyway and you know you have to resize it. So you can't do wrong. [emoji4]
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