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MobiColour RESULT: MC #148 Theme: Maximalism - Nov 26-Dec 2, 2018

An illustration of the council of all beings - we are all connected, as the flutter of a butterfly’s wing can be felt around the world.

Dispite our differences, we’re all alike.
Beyond identities and desires, there is a common core of self—
an essential humanity whose nature is peace
and whose expression is thought
and whose action is unconditional love. - Joan Borysenko

Some creative work/play with Frax.
I thought Christmas Eve was the time when you would definitely find Reindeer poo.o_O
Judging by the tracks in the woods behind my house I think I know where the reindeer are hanging out in preparation for their Christmas Eve trip. There’s also the evidence of the reindeer poo. Do you suppose reindeer get a boost from candy canes?
Left behind by people who came to pray to Sainte-Anne for a cure for their ailments.

This is just inside the main entrance and to the right. There’s another like this to the left.
Sainte-Anne-de-Beaupré Cathedral, Quebec.
Stepping inside from the relatively humble town outside the overall effect is quite overwhelming. The way the building is laid out the true scale of the place is concealed as you walk up the main walkway. Then when you step inside the space is surprisingly vast. About 2/3 of the way in, where the tiny person in red is standing at what looks like the front of the pews, there is a crossing corridor of the same magnitude on the left and right. You have to walk around the building outside to realize there’s a lot of it you can’t see from the entrance walkway.

Judging by the tracks in the woods behind my house I think I know where the reindeer are hanging out in preparation for their Christmas Eve trip. There’s also the evidence of the reindeer poo. Do you suppose reindeer get a boost from candy canes?
I’m not sure, but I know I do!:rolleyes:
I like it. I have always felt my collages lacked the quiet subtlety of some of out talented Mobitoggers. I’d try to get there but kept adding more, more, MORE!
Superimpose X, Procreate, Decimate, DFT, iColorama.
I like it. I have always felt my collages lacked the quiet subtlety of some of out talented Mobitoggers. I’d try to get there but kept adding more, more, MORE!
Superimpose X, Procreate, Decimate, DFT, iColorama.
View attachment 117494

Ah, yes — not all of us have that gift of ‘quiet subtlety’ (you’re talking about me, right? :mobibabe: :alien: :mobibabe:)

Speaking of which, I really like the split message on the mirrored figure .... And the very purposeful angle of the bigger person/silhouette ‘s arm :)
I like it. I have always felt my collages lacked the quiet subtlety of some of out talented Mobitoggers. I’d try to get there but kept adding more, more, MORE!
Superimpose X, Procreate, Decimate, DFT, iColorama.
View attachment 117494
I love this. I really like the mirror images that aren’t. Super image.
Ah, yes — not all of us have that gift of ‘quiet subtlety’ (you’re talking about me, right? :mobibabe: :alien: :mobibabe:)

Speaking of which, I really like the split message on the mirrored figure .... And the very purposeful angle of the bigger person/silhouette ‘s arm :)
Of course, and thank you.
Is this the Erotic entry?

Whatever floats your boat, John, dear.

My own perspective on the mini manifesto rizole posted:

1. It’s figurative

2. ...socially critical... 6. Wide views... The image subject is an interpretation (for want of a better word) of the Rumi poem. Rumi is all about ‘social commentary’ from critique of religious practice to commentary on false or value-less pursuits to repeated meditations on the nature of love and his certainty that love is the only and essential key to higher consciousness or oneness with the Divine.

3. Erotic: matter of definition? I can’t immediately think of a different word for the way Rumi puts love, sexuality and spiritual ecstasy together. He doesn’t (in my view, happy to be contradicted) emphasise the corporeal, except as a gateway to the spiritual.

In my reading, this ‘erotic’ is the poem’s connection of love, sight (inner and outer) and the art of the poem (writing). So I put the globe of light in the figure’s hand at the heart area and somewhat emphasised the eyes. Also the figure is meant to be somewhat androgynous - to blur the boundary between Rumi’s ‘I’ and his ‘you’.

5. Not simply (politically/self-consciously) anti- or not-minimalist

4. Ironic/humorous - not sure. Maybe you can help me with that one? :)
Whatever floats your boat, John, dear.

My own perspective on the mini manifesto rizole posted:

1. It’s figurative

2. ...socially critical... 6. Wide views... The image subject is an interpretation (for want of a better word) of the Rumi poem. Rumi is all about ‘social commentary’ from critique of religious practice to commentary on false or value-less pursuits to repeated meditations on the nature of love and his certainty that love is the only and essential key to higher consciousness or oneness with the Divine.

3. Erotic: matter of definition? I can’t immediately think of a different word for the way Rumi puts love, sexuality and spiritual ecstasy together. He doesn’t (in my view, happy to be contradicted) emphasise the corporeal, except as a gateway to the spiritual.

In my reading, this ‘erotic’ is the poem’s connection of love, sight (inner and outer) and the art of the poem (writing). So I put the globe of light in the figure’s hand at the heart area and somewhat emphasised the eyes. Also the figure is meant to be somewhat androgynous - to blur the boundary between Rumi’s ‘I’ and his ‘you’.

5. Not simply (politically/self-consciously) anti- or not-minimalist

4. Ironic/humorous - not sure. Maybe you can help me with that one? :)
Sorry Jen, I was just being flippant. I forgot how seriously you took your art, my apologies.
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