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MobiColour RESULT: MC #37 Theme: Reflections - October 10-16

I've had to bite my tongue this week. The pedant in me has had to go to other sites and point out people's faults to them in public to get it out of my system. I can visit this thread with Zen like cool now knowing I'm fine with other people's interpretation of reflection.
I have no idea what you mean.......;)
I've had to bite my tongue this week. The pedant in me has had to go to other sites and point out people's faults to them in public to get it out of my system. I can visit this thread with Zen like cool now knowing I'm fine with other people's interpretation of reflection.

There's a pedant in you, rizole? I'm shocked to hear it. Where do you put it when you're making images like [well just about every image you've posted here incl]:

IMG_6462.JPG and IMG_6464.JPG ?
Pedantically, refection is light bouncing off a barrier. I think those two pics fulfill that, don't you?
Without doubt. I meant, where do you put your pedant when you make off the wall unexpected out of the box images.
(Now excuse me while I go check my dictionary in case pedant doesn't really connote plodding unimaginative . . . )
And you call me naughty. Whoosh, there goes Rizole's zen-like calm. Now he'll have to go and abuse another ten people to get over this.:D
TBH it was mainly for Mr I Don't Do Abstracts & Jilly's Image Isnt Really Reflecting John - but the thought of our rizole having a hidden pedant made me lose my senses momentarily . :oops: Just long enough to draw the abstract. Now I'll just go back to my covariates and leave the hilarity for those more suited,
Without doubt. I meant, where do you put your pedant when you make off the wall unexpected out of the box images.
(Now excuse me while I go check my dictionary in case pedant doesn't really connote plodding unimaginative . . . )
Oh, I see. In that case thank you for the compliment. May all your covariates be non-confounding.
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