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Mobitog Health Thread

We've had a bit of a scare at the grocery where I work. One of the deli staff has Covid. The entire store got tested the next day. Fortunately no one else seems to have it. My test came back negative, so I'm thankful for that.

My sister also works at a grocery store, but in the next town over. We were planning on having Thanksgiving at her house this year, but after discussion, we decided to skip Thanksgiving this year. It's just not worth it.
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We've had a bit of a scare at the grocery where I work. One of the deli staff has Covid. The entire store got tested the next day. Fortunately no one else seems to have it. My test came back negative, so I'm thankful for that.

My sister also works at a grocery store, but in the next town over. We were planning on having Thanksgiving at her house this year, but after discussion, we decided to skip Thanksgiving this year. It's just not worth it.
Sorry to hear that. I hope your colleague recovers quickly. It’s sad that so many important family/social gatherings are being affected. How severe is the threat in your State?

Here on the West coast of Au we have been in a relatively safe little bubble. Just under 800 confirmed cases since we started testing. (We’ve tested over half a million people). Nine deaths, all of whom had comorbid conditions. Since our border restrictions eased about a week ago, we have I think seven new confirmed cases. Hard to imagine the skyrocketing numbers in US. Especially after so long, with that ubiquitous Curve mostly Flattened. What’s the general mood /optimism where you live ?
We've had a bit of a scare at the grocery where I work. One of the deli staff has Covid. The entire store got tested the next day. Fortunately no one else seems to have it. My test came back negative, so I'm thankful for that.

My sister also works at a grocery store, but in the next town over. We were planning on having Thanksgiving at her house this year, but after discussion, we decided to skip Thanksgiving this year. It's just not worth it.
Yeah.....we skipping our usual brunch, too.
Where I live half the people think it's all over, and a hoax, and so go out everywhere without masks. Even if the supermarkets have big signs on the doors they still don't care. Now, in our offices, we have three people who recently tested positive and are quarantined :( Thanksgiving will be spent with close family outdoors :)
My daughter was telling me earlier, her friend caught it (from her boyfriend) and subsequently gave it to her Mum and Dad, her two sisters and younger brother. They all had minor symptoms and thought all was well. But the Dad began to feel unwell after a week or so and his legs were going numb. He's now in hospital with kidney failure, so what might be a mild disease for some is very definitely something far serious for others. Its a roulette wheel I've rather avoid :(
My daughter was telling me earlier, her friend caught it (from her boyfriend) and subsequently gave it to her Mum and Dad, her two sisters and younger brother. They all had minor symptoms and thought all was well. But the Dad began to feel unwell after a week or so and his legs were going numb. He's now in hospital with kidney failure, so what might be a mild disease for some is very definitely something far serious for others. Its a roulette wheel I've rather avoid :(
Oh, gosh. I'm with you on that. Better to wear a mask, keep distant, and live to participate in many more EOS's
Sorry to hear that. I hope your colleague recovers quickly. It’s sad that so many important family/social gatherings are being affected. How severe is the threat in your State?

Here on the West coast of Au we have been in a relatively safe little bubble. Just under 800 confirmed cases since we started testing. (We’ve tested over half a million people). Nine deaths, all of whom had comorbid conditions. Since our border restrictions eased about a week ago, we have I think seven new confirmed cases. Hard to imagine the skyrocketing numbers in US. Especially after so long, with that ubiquitous Curve mostly Flattened. What’s the general mood /optimism where you live ?
Here is one of the most frustrating things about the disease in the US: People refusing to acknowledge the disease exists, even as they are dying from it. I've seen it myself, people demonstrating on the street corner about the "hoax" disease and screaming about how wearing masks is a communist plot to take away our freedoms blah blah blah. Meanwhile more than a quarter million Americans are dead from the disease. The virus doesn't ask what political party you belong to. It will try to kill you if you voted for Trump. It will try to kill you if you voted for Biden. It will try to kill you if you voted for a third party candidate. It will try to kill you if you didn't vote at all. It just wants to kill you. My best friend's mom died from it just last Saturday.

So yeah, the threat is still high after ten months. People are burned out. Tired. Frustrated. We could have beat this last spring, but we didn't. We couldn't be bothered to wear masks for two months, so we're going to be wearing masks for two years. At least.
My daughter admitted to me she had COVID-19 as did her daughter... :( My daughter’s boss’ husband is dead... they took him to Milwaukee, 250 miles away... where he passed, probably alone.

My daughter’s health, she has issues; with COVID-19, she lost her sense of smell and taste for two weeks... she said her symptoms weren’t that bad. From what I understand, many who have mild symptoms often become what they call “long haulers”. I pray they don’t end up being “long haulers”.

I have been on my soap box telling everyone I know to WEAR A MASK! I made masks for many people I know and sent them in the mail when I was unemployed... I am exhausted. My daughter said “we aren’t extreme like you are”... :coldsweat: I don’t see us as being extreme, I see us very cautious. We don’t go inside businesses, we do drive up and curbside.

PLEASE EVERYONE - MASK UP! Think of your fellow humans and protect yourself.
Here is one of the most frustrating things about the disease in the US: People refusing to acknowledge the disease exists, even as they are dying from it. I've seen it myself, people demonstrating on the street corner about the "hoax" disease and screaming about how wearing masks is a communist plot to take away our freedoms blah blah blah. Meanwhile more than a quarter million Americans are dead from the disease. The virus doesn't ask what political party you belong to. It will try to kill you if you voted for Trump. It will try to kill you if you voted for Biden. It will try to kill you if you voted for a third party candidate. It will try to kill you if you didn't vote at all. It just wants to kill you. My best friend's mom died from it just last Saturday.

So yeah, the threat is still high after ten months. People are burned out. Tired. Frustrated. We could have beat this last spring, but we didn't. We couldn't be bothered to wear masks for two months, so we're going to be wearing masks for two years. At least.
Yup...I live in a small village. We have one stop light, a grocery store and a drug store. everyone knows everyone’s name. but again, about half of the population ignores the disease. And even in this rural, small town, I’ve heard the loud hoax rantings just about everywhere I go. I work in a high school in a small city about 10 miles from here. The faculty includes many who wear masks improperly and scoff at the pandemic rules that are in place. Thus many of the students are careless with their masks and ignore the 6 foot, two to a table rule at lunch time. We have several positive cases, hundreds of students and staff in quarantine but, meh (shrug), many seem oblivious. We can’t even get subs to cover absences and have several positions that are unfilled. I just don’t get how some people can be so blind to what is happening around them.
My daughter admitted to me she had COVID-19 as did her daughter... :( My daughter’s boss’ husband is dead... they took him to Milwaukee, 250 miles away... where he passed, probably alone.

My daughter’s health, she has issues; with COVID-19, she lost her sense of smell and taste for two weeks... she said her symptoms weren’t that bad. From what I understand, many who have mild symptoms often become what they call “long haulers”. I pray they don’t end up being “long haulers”.

I have been on my soap box telling everyone I know to WEAR A MASK! I made masks for many people I know and sent them in the mail when I was unemployed... I am exhausted. My daughter said “we aren’t extreme like you are”... :coldsweat: I don’t see us as being extreme, I see us very cautious. We don’t go inside businesses, we do drive up and curbside.

PLEASE EVERYONE - MASK UP! Think of your fellow humans and protect yourself.
So sorry to hear, Dee. Is your daughter recovering? Your granddaughter?
Yup...I live in a small village. We have one stop light, a grocery store and a drug store. everyone knows everyone’s name. but again, about half of the population ignores the disease. And even in this rural, small town, I’ve heard the loud hoax rantings just about everywhere I go. I work in a high school in a small city about 10 miles from here. The faculty includes many who wear masks improperly and scoff at the pandemic rules that are in place. Thus many of the students are careless with their masks and ignore the 6 foot, two to a table rule at lunch time. We have several positive cases, hundreds of students and staff in quarantine but, meh (shrug), many seem oblivious. We can’t even get subs to cover absences and have several positions that are unfilled. I just don’t get how some people can be so blind to what is happening around them.

My daughter admitted to me she had COVID-19 as did her daughter... :( My daughter’s boss’ husband is dead... they took him to Milwaukee, 250 miles away... where he passed, probably alone.

My daughter’s health, she has issues; with COVID-19, she lost her sense of smell and taste for two weeks... she said her symptoms weren’t that bad. From what I understand, many who have mild symptoms often become what they call “long haulers”. I pray they don’t end up being “long haulers”.

I have been on my soap box telling everyone I know to WEAR A MASK! I made masks for many people I know and sent them in the mail when I was unemployed... I am exhausted. My daughter said “we aren’t extreme like you are”... :coldsweat: I don’t see us as being extreme, I see us very cautious. We don’t go inside businesses, we do drive up and curbside.

PLEASE EVERYONE - MASK UP! Think of your fellow humans and protect yourself.
Sad to hear this Dee. I hope everything works out for the best for your family (Hugs)
Everybody i associate with takes it seriously but we had a guy come around just before the November lockdown to install a carpet in our bedroom who thought the whole thing was a hoax. People believe everything they read on Facebook. I just find it incomprehensible. However, it’s becoming more and more difficult to distinguish fact from friction especially with other countries spreading disinformation.
So sorry to hear, Dee. Is your daughter recovering? Your granddaughter?
Thanks... She didn’t tell me until a month later... she lives in Wisconsin (1,500 miles away)... So far she says she’s ok, but sadly, she hides things from me, and I don’t pry. She has been on our weekly trivia nights via zoom... NONE of us know for sure what the long-term effects might be. :’(
Hi, Portugal here. My country, as should you know from the news, a few weeks ago had one of the higher cases per 100.000 in the world. This is due to late government decisions about the higher risk contact tracing. It is amazing how cientists keep saying how important it is to keep distance, avoid family and friends grouping, and the government just didn't care. Due to this we had, two weeks ago, almost all of the hospitals in the country reaching their limit, some of the reach the limit needed to sent sick people to other hospitals, even for the islands. Cues of ambulances to enter the hospitals with no place for the sick people, many of them had to be assisted in the ambulances. It is very sad and dramatic to see. Like being said by specialists: "the problem is that, despite all the advertisement, the government is not ahead of the pandemic, is folowing the pandemic..."
Due to this the country is now all closed. I've been working from home. No one of my family had Covid. In january my two sons were sent home from school as the they had contact with positive friends. They were ok. Some of my friends already get Covid. They recover well. One of my friends parents are still in hospital ventilated. They are 65 with no deseases associated. Very sad. This was another thing, specialists advertise that school must closed because of two main reasons: it is a contact focus to spread the virus, and it puts, right in the morning, three milion people on the streets! On the last two weeks of january, before all school closings, the virus cases in schools had start grouing exponentialy. School were starting closing naturaly with children and teachers staying at home with Covid. This is when the government decided do close the schools and the country.
Since last march that we don't go to a supermarket. We order everything online. And we eat vegetables from what my litle farm give us.
I'm lucky enought to work in stable job, but there are many people going through hard times. Portugal is a country that economy lives mostly form tourism, and all the restaurants, hotels, gift stores, museums...are all closed. The Food Programe had a demanding increase from more 50% with people asking for food help. It is very sad. This lockdown is planned until to the end of March.
Fortunately, this week numbers are decresing a lot. But the hospitals are still passing bad times. Hopping the coutry back to normal soon, with precaution. Hopping the government won't be making on Easter the same mistakes tha made in Christmas, allwoing everyone to circulate freely in the country at that time. And hopping we get the vacine soon.
I dont see my family for a long time now, from October, only zoom meetings.
I think not geting the Covid is just luck. Even staying at home it could come in one of the shoppings we orders. We have lots of careful sanitizing everithing but I don't believe we can get everything 100% clean. We do our best, for everyone.
Keep Safe!
Hey Ricardo! Nice to hear you and your family are doing fine.
The underestimation of the problem and the consequences of doing so is the main problem of this pandemic. Keeping social distance is the best method to keep numbers low - but it's against our nature as humans and that's why it's so hard to follow.
Stay safe and all the best to the Portuguese!
Hi, Portugal here. My country, as should you know from the news, a few weeks ago had one of the higher cases per 100.000 in the world. This is due to late government decisions about the higher risk contact tracing. It is amazing how cientists keep saying how important it is to keep distance, avoid family and friends grouping, and the government just didn't care. Due to this we had, two weeks ago, almost all of the hospitals in the country reaching their limit, some of the reach the limit needed to sent sick people to other hospitals, even for the islands. Cues of ambulances to enter the hospitals with no place for the sick people, many of them had to be assisted in the ambulances. It is very sad and dramatic to see. Like being said by specialists: "the problem is that, despite all the advertisement, the government is not ahead of the pandemic, is folowing the pandemic..."
Due to this the country is now all closed. I've been working from home. No one of my family had Covid. In january my two sons were sent home from school as the they had contact with positive friends. They were ok. Some of my friends already get Covid. They recover well. One of my friends parents are still in hospital ventilated. They are 65 with no deseases associated. Very sad. This was another thing, specialists advertise that school must closed because of two main reasons: it is a contact focus to spread the virus, and it puts, right in the morning, three milion people on the streets! On the last two weeks of january, before all school closings, the virus cases in schools had start grouing exponentialy. School were starting closing naturaly with children and teachers staying at home with Covid. This is when the government decided do close the schools and the country.
Since last march that we don't go to a supermarket. We order everything online. And we eat vegetables from what my litle farm give us.
I'm lucky enought to work in stable job, but there are many people going through hard times. Portugal is a country that economy lives mostly form tourism, and all the restaurants, hotels, gift stores, museums...are all closed. The Food Programe had a demanding increase from more 50% with people asking for food help. It is very sad. This lockdown is planned until to the end of March.
Fortunately, this week numbers are decresing a lot. But the hospitals are still passing bad times. Hopping the coutry back to normal soon, with precaution. Hopping the government won't be making on Easter the same mistakes tha made in Christmas, allwoing everyone to circulate freely in the country at that time. And hopping we get the vacine soon.
I dont see my family for a long time now, from October, only zoom meetings.
I think not geting the Covid is just luck. Even staying at home it could come in one of the shoppings we orders. We have lots of careful sanitizing everithing but I don't believe we can get everything 100% clean. We do our best, for everyone.
Keep Safe!
Thank you Ricardo. It’s good to be reminded that we‘re all in this together. I didn’t realise that Portugal was suffering badly, particularly the bit about the hospitals - our news hasn’t been reporting this. Stay safe.
Hi, Portugal here. My country, as should you know from the news, a few weeks ago had one of the higher cases per 100.000 in the world. This is due to late government decisions about the higher risk contact tracing. It is amazing how cientists keep saying how important it is to keep distance, avoid family and friends grouping, and the government just didn't care. Due to this we had, two weeks ago, almost all of the hospitals in the country reaching their limit, some of the reach the limit needed to sent sick people to other hospitals, even for the islands. Cues of ambulances to enter the hospitals with no place for the sick people, many of them had to be assisted in the ambulances. It is very sad and dramatic to see. Like being said by specialists: "the problem is that, despite all the advertisement, the government is not ahead of the pandemic, is folowing the pandemic..."
Due to this the country is now all closed. I've been working from home. No one of my family had Covid. In january my two sons were sent home from school as the they had contact with positive friends. They were ok. Some of my friends already get Covid. They recover well. One of my friends parents are still in hospital ventilated. They are 65 with no deseases associated. Very sad. This was another thing, specialists advertise that school must closed because of two main reasons: it is a contact focus to spread the virus, and it puts, right in the morning, three milion people on the streets! On the last two weeks of january, before all school closings, the virus cases in schools had start grouing exponentialy. School were starting closing naturaly with children and teachers staying at home with Covid. This is when the government decided do close the schools and the country.
Since last march that we don't go to a supermarket. We order everything online. And we eat vegetables from what my litle farm give us.
I'm lucky enought to work in stable job, but there are many people going through hard times. Portugal is a country that economy lives mostly form tourism, and all the restaurants, hotels, gift stores, museums...are all closed. The Food Programe had a demanding increase from more 50% with people asking for food help. It is very sad. This lockdown is planned until to the end of March.
Fortunately, this week numbers are decresing a lot. But the hospitals are still passing bad times. Hopping the coutry back to normal soon, with precaution. Hopping the government won't be making on Easter the same mistakes tha made in Christmas, allwoing everyone to circulate freely in the country at that time. And hopping we get the vacine soon.
I dont see my family for a long time now, from October, only zoom meetings.
I think not geting the Covid is just luck. Even staying at home it could come in one of the shoppings we orders. We have lots of careful sanitizing everithing but I don't believe we can get everything 100% clean. We do our best, for everyone.
Keep Safe!
Thank you for letting us know something of Portugal’s experience, Ricardo. Heartbreaking to hear so many people suffering so much deprivation.
I live in the bubble that is the west coast of Au. In the medical centre where I work, there was one person who contracted the virus after an international flight in the early days. Bad flu for ten days, then full recovery. That’s the extent of my experience of Covid (and I work in a very big, very busy medical practice).
Hi, Portugal here. My country, as should you know from the news, a few weeks ago had one of the higher cases per 100.000 in the world. This is due to late government decisions about the higher risk contact tracing. It is amazing how cientists keep saying how important it is to keep distance, avoid family and friends grouping, and the government just didn't care. Due to this we had, two weeks ago, almost all of the hospitals in the country reaching their limit, some of the reach the limit needed to sent sick people to other hospitals, even for the islands. Cues of ambulances to enter the hospitals with no place for the sick people, many of them had to be assisted in the ambulances. It is very sad and dramatic to see. Like being said by specialists: "the problem is that, despite all the advertisement, the government is not ahead of the pandemic, is folowing the pandemic..."
Due to this the country is now all closed. I've been working from home. No one of my family had Covid. In january my two sons were sent home from school as the they had contact with positive friends. They were ok. Some of my friends already get Covid. They recover well. One of my friends parents are still in hospital ventilated. They are 65 with no deseases associated. Very sad. This was another thing, specialists advertise that school must closed because of two main reasons: it is a contact focus to spread the virus, and it puts, right in the morning, three milion people on the streets! On the last two weeks of january, before all school closings, the virus cases in schools had start grouing exponentialy. School were starting closing naturaly with children and teachers staying at home with Covid. This is when the government decided do close the schools and the country.
Since last march that we don't go to a supermarket. We order everything online. And we eat vegetables from what my litle farm give us.
I'm lucky enought to work in stable job, but there are many people going through hard times. Portugal is a country that economy lives mostly form tourism, and all the restaurants, hotels, gift stores, museums...are all closed. The Food Programe had a demanding increase from more 50% with people asking for food help. It is very sad. This lockdown is planned until to the end of March.
Fortunately, this week numbers are decresing a lot. But the hospitals are still passing bad times. Hopping the coutry back to normal soon, with precaution. Hopping the government won't be making on Easter the same mistakes tha made in Christmas, allwoing everyone to circulate freely in the country at that time. And hopping we get the vacine soon.
I dont see my family for a long time now, from October, only zoom meetings.
I think not geting the Covid is just luck. Even staying at home it could come in one of the shoppings we orders. We have lots of careful sanitizing everithing but I don't believe we can get everything 100% clean. We do our best, for everyone.
Keep Safe!
I think governments underestimated the role of schools in spreading covid. Just because kids are often asymptomatic doesn’t mean they are not passing it on. Covid was hectic in the schools here and I’m convinced it was the reason it got so bad in the UK in the second wave together with how infectious the new strain was.
I have to say this latest UK lockdown is really getting me down (photographically). I've just looked and I've took less than 140 this year, which is pitiful for me. I'm itching to get out and go places and see people.
Taking the same shots of the dog walk each day just isn't cutting it :(
I have to say this latest UK lockdown is really getting me down (photographically). I've just looked and I've took less than 140 this year, which is pitiful for me. I'm itching to get out and go places and see people.
Taking the same shots of the dog walk each day just isn't cutting it :(
So with you on this one. I’m struggling to get one photo out a week! My exercise rate is down to 50%. I’m starting to look like a toad. :lmao:
Hi, Portugal here. My country, as should you know from the news, a few weeks ago had one of the higher cases per 100.000 in the world. This is due to late government decisions about the higher risk contact tracing. It is amazing how cientists keep saying how important it is to keep distance, avoid family and friends grouping, and the government just didn't care. Due to this we had, two weeks ago, almost all of the hospitals in the country reaching their limit, some of the reach the limit needed to sent sick people to other hospitals, even for the islands. Cues of ambulances to enter the hospitals with no place for the sick people, many of them had to be assisted in the ambulances. It is very sad and dramatic to see. Like being said by specialists: "the problem is that, despite all the advertisement, the government is not ahead of the pandemic, is folowing the pandemic..."
Due to this the country is now all closed. I've been working from home. No one of my family had Covid. In january my two sons were sent home from school as the they had contact with positive friends. They were ok. Some of my friends already get Covid. They recover well. One of my friends parents are still in hospital ventilated. They are 65 with no deseases associated. Very sad. This was another thing, specialists advertise that school must closed because of two main reasons: it is a contact focus to spread the virus, and it puts, right in the morning, three milion people on the streets! On the last two weeks of january, before all school closings, the virus cases in schools had start grouing exponentialy. School were starting closing naturaly with children and teachers staying at home with Covid. This is when the government decided do close the schools and the country.
Since last march that we don't go to a supermarket. We order everything online. And we eat vegetables from what my litle farm give us.
I'm lucky enought to work in stable job, but there are many people going through hard times. Portugal is a country that economy lives mostly form tourism, and all the restaurants, hotels, gift stores, museums...are all closed. The Food Programe had a demanding increase from more 50% with people asking for food help. It is very sad. This lockdown is planned until to the end of March.
Fortunately, this week numbers are decresing a lot. But the hospitals are still passing bad times. Hopping the coutry back to normal soon, with precaution. Hopping the government won't be making on Easter the same mistakes tha made in Christmas, allwoing everyone to circulate freely in the country at that time. And hopping we get the vacine soon.
I dont see my family for a long time now, from October, only zoom meetings.
I think not geting the Covid is just luck. Even staying at home it could come in one of the shoppings we orders. We have lots of careful sanitizing everithing but I don't believe we can get everything 100% clean. We do our best, for everyone.
Keep Safe!
I’m really sad to hear this, Ricardo. But glad you and your family are doing well. So many different stories and experiences around the globe.... sometimes I get a bit depressed wondering how anyone can get a grip on this. I try to stay hopeful that our lives will one day start to resemble life as we knew it.... but I also believe that it may never look quite the same.

Got a sticker this morning
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